Page 52 of Growing Into Love

“Hi,” I say. She giggles. Cass stalks off to Gal’s stall.

“Hey girl,” Cass says, running a hand down the length of Galadriel’s neck. “Ready for some cavallettis?”

Gal noses around her pockets and she laughs. “No way, no treats until training is over.” She mounts up. “Can you check the martingale?” she asks me tersely. “Don’t want it too tight.”

“Looks good,” I say. The martingale is a piece of tack that allows for extra control of the horse’s head carriage.

“Here.” She hands me her phone. “I don’t like to keep it on me when I’m jumping.”

My fingers brush against hers as I take the phone and put it in my pocket. “Cass,” I say quietly. “I’m really—”

“I don’t want to hear it, Jaz,” she says. “I’ve got training to do.”

We walk—or rather, I walk, Cass rides—out of the barn side by side. I feel miserable. Why did I have to go and say all that? It wasn’t right. Declan should tell her himself why he’s so stressed about the idea—because it’s got nothing to do with Cass’s capabilities.

We pass the very last stall and Cass gasps. “Fuck.”

I turn and see a magnificent chestnut horse munching on some oats. A placard on the stall door readsPrince William.

That’s Nigella’s horse.

“Trollop,” Cass mutters and keeps her head high as we leave the barn. But I see her glance side to side as if waiting for Nigella herself to appear.

I catch Gal’s bridle and stop her. “Cass. You’ve faced Nigella plenty of times.”

“And I’ve always lost.”

I can’t help myself—I put my hand on her calf, feeling the hard muscle beneath my palm. She twitches in the saddle but doesn’t tell me to bugger off. I take that as an encouraging sign.

“If you let Nigella get in your head this early, you’re finished.”

“I’mnotletting her get in my head,” Cass snaps. She nudges Gal’s sides and trots off toward the rings. I sigh and follow her. Feels like every move I make is wrong. Bet David would know what to say to her. Fucking prick.

I shouldn’t be angry with David. It’s not his fault I’ve been so blind about Cass until now. I’m just sore he got her first.

There’s an older groom with a bushy mustache and a clipboard assigning Scott a practice ring.

“Name?” he asks as we approach.

“Cassandra Wright,” Cass tells him, and he checks the clipboard.

“Great. You guys can use Ring Four.” He gestures toward it. “Gary will help you with the poles.”

“Thanks,” I say. I open the gate and Cass gets Gal into a trot. They trot around the ring for a bit as I go to set up.

“Hi!” A young groom I assume is Gary comes rushing over to me. “Need help?”

“Er, yes actually,” I say.

“What can I do?”

“We’re going to start with cavallettis.”

“Cool. Walk? Trot? Canter?”

“Er…” I’ve no idea. “Cass!” I call. “What am I meant to be setting up?”

“Let’s start with a bow tie fan!” she calls back.