Page 45 of Growing Into Love

“Well, that’s my business, isn’t it,” Jaz says. He puts his phone in his pocket and stands. “I’m going to go check and see if my room is ready.”

Then he storms out of the restaurant.

I don’t seehim in the lobby when I finish my meal.

I kept hoping he would come back. I feel miserable. Fucking Theresa. Always there to mess with Jaz and break his heart. It’s like her gold-medal event. I can’t believe he’s gotten back with her again.

Zara is right. I can’t keep crushing on him. What’s the point? He’ll never get over Theresa. I head back to the room and find Jaz sitting there at the table, looking despondent. He stands when I come in.

“Cass, I’m really sorry,” he says. “I shouldn’t have spoken to you that way.”

He looks so crestfallen I want to run and wrap my arms around him. I want to tell him there’s a better woman out there for him. I want to promise him I would never hurt him the way she does.

But he doesn’t see me that way.

“It’s all right,” I say. “I was a bit harsh. It’s none of my business.”

“No,” Jaz says. “You’re right. The thing is—”

Before he can finish his sentence, the phone rings. He picks it up.

“Hello? Yes, hi Betty…that’s great news…okay I’ll gather my things and head down.”

He hangs up. “Betty says she’s found a room for me.”

“Oh,” I say. “That’s great.”

I do want him to have his own space. But I don’t really want him to leave.

Jaz turns away and when he turns back, he’s got two glasses of champagne in his hands. “A toast?” he asks hesitantly.

I smile. “Yeah.”

“To winning the Grand Prix,” he says.

We clink glasses and drink. “Shit, this is really good,” I say.

Jaz grins. “I think it would meet Autumn’s standards.”

“Speaking of,” I say. “I should probably check in with her.” I glance at the jacuzzi tub, but it will take forever to fill up and I’m really feeling the exhaustion from today. I can jacuzzi myself into a wrinkly prune tomorrow. A plain old bath will do the trick tonight.

“I’m going to run a bath,” I tell him. “Text me when you get to your new room. We can compare notes.”

Jaz laughs but it’s a sad sound and I feel a twinge of guilt for getting angry at him over Theresa. Maybe I was being a bit patronizing too. It’s not my place to tell him who to love.

Even if she’s an insufferable twat.

“Sure thing,” he says, and goes to gather his luggage.

I head into the bathroom, plug the tub, and turn on the hot water. I find a bottle of bubble bath and pour some in. As the room begins to fill with the scent of freesia and lilac, I strip out of my clothes, smelling strongly of horse, and change into the plush robe hanging on the back of the door. I tie my hair up and stare at my reflection in the mirror.

What does Jaz see in Theresa anyway? I don’t get it. I can’t understand taking someone back so many times only to be hurt again.

Although I shouldn’t judge. How long have I held onto Jaz? And with never a sign of any interest from him. Not even when I sent a sexy text message.

I huff and blow a piece of my hair out of my eyes. The tub is still filling so I grab my phone and call Autumn. Then I realize it must be nearly one o’clock in the morning in London. I’m about to end the call when she picks up.

“Cass!” she says.