“Hi,” I say, surprised. “Sorry, I forgot about the time difference.”
“It’s fine!” Autumn says. She sounds wired.
“What are you doing up?” I ask.
“You know, sisterly bonding time.”
I narrow my eyes. “Did you drink caffeine after five o’clock again?”
“Maybe,” she admits with a chuckle. “Anyway, forget about me, what about you? How’s the Fairview? How is Windy Acres? Have you confessed to Jaz about the sext yet?”
It’s my turn to laugh. “Hold your horses,” I say. “The Fairview is incredible. My room has a jacuzzi tub! Windy Acres is one of the best farms I’ve ever shown at. The grounds are lovely, and I’ve already made friends with one of the grooms.”
“Yay!” Autumn cheers. “And? Jaz?”
“Jaz…well, Jaz thinks I have a boyfriend named David who lives in Stanley Law.”
“Cassandra Wright,” Autumn says. “You didn’t. I told you not to do that!”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I’d called Declan’s phone,” I say sharply. “I don’t need to be told what to do, Autumn.”
There’s a pause on the other end of the line. “Okay, I deserved that.”
“I’m a grownup, remember? I can make any decisions I want.”
“Yes, it’s very grownup of you to create an imaginary friend,” Autumn teases.
“I’ll have you know that David runs a successful dentistry practice and calls me princess.”
“I would think you’d hate being called princess.”
“Yeah, I would. But Jaz didn’t seem pleased when I told him.”
“Oooh!” Autumn says. “Okay. So maybe he’s starting to feel a little jealous. I mean, I don’t love the lying part, but I do believe that you two would make a perfect couple. If a fake boyfriend gets you to a real boyfriend, then more power to you.”
I sigh. “I doubt it. Theresa’s back.”
“Oh. Right.”
“What do you meanright?” I demand. “You knew?”
“No, no, Declan only told me this afternoon.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You were on a plane!”
Fair point.
“You could have texted,” I say.
“Cass, this isyourweek. Fuck Theresa. Dec says she’s already run back to Craig again.”
She has? That lifts my spirits a bit.
“She texted Jaz tonight,” I say.
There’s another pause. “Did he text her back?” she asks.