“OK. You ask that creep Cillian to stay away from my mother.”
Kai frowned at that one, “Why would I do that?”
I tilted my chin, feeling unimpressed, “He’s putting thoughts of forever afters in her head and that’snevera good sign,” I pointed out tartly.
Kai shrugged, “It’s not my business, but I’ll put a word in.”
“Good,” I replied with a roll of my shoulders. I cricked my neck from side to side, preparing for battle.
That taunt atmosphere between us before tightened as did my chest as Kai drawled, “And if I win?”
I raised my eyebrows, “What do you want?”
Kai swallowed, pulling my gaze to his Adam’s apple.
There was a short pause before his expression turned wolfish, “Nowthat’sa loaded question.”
My pulse twitched at his flirty tone. I’d heard him use it before but never with me. Christ.
Crossing my arms, I shot him my best glare, “I’m not sleeping with you.”
Kai chuckled, “I wasn’t asking you to.” He paused for thought, rolling his tongue over his perfect teeth before he added, “How about a kiss?”
What the actual hell?
“Don’t you think we should, after all this time?”
I was confused, “What do you mean?”
“Kiss and make up. Apologise for past sins.”
The way those words rumbled from his chest was already erotic without even translating their meaning. And I realised that they meant the same as they would have done when I was sixteen;everything to me.
I was surprised my heart didn’t fucking stop on the spot, “A kiss? Really?” I croaked, still in shock.
A silence stretched. And it was at that point that a switch was flicked. This was Kai, my step-monster, the man I had lived with during my teens. And that was the point right there. I was no longer a teenager. I was a woman and he was a man. One I used to lust after and still did it appeared.
Kai’s smile grew, becoming dangerous to my resolve, “Why not?” His entire body oozed the challenge; anI double-dare-youmoment.
Attempting to appear unfazed I stuck my chin in the air stating, “How about because I hate you?” The lie slipped out easily, but Kai wasn’t buying it.
“No, you don’t, Ava. Once upon a time, I’d say you felt the very opposite.”
With a snort, I volleyed back, “Rubbish. I was a silly foolish girl, infatuated. It didn’t mean anything.”
Please don’t bring up the night of my birthday!
I swallowed as Kai stepped into my space and tucked a loose hair behind my ear. His gaze was hooded, “You used to look at me like I hung the moon.”
“Really?” I snarked with false sarcasm.
He nodded slowly, his lips curling slightly at one side, “Yes, really. And then I fucked that up by pushing you away and being a complete dick.”
I dashed a hand down my face. Our conversation was getting more surreal by the minute. “Are you saying youregrethow you treated me?”
Kai tilted his head to one side, retaining eye contact, “Maybe. Does it score me any points if I said yes?”
FFS! “Do youevergive a straight answer to a question?”