Straightening his head he replied, “Of course not. You need to be careful in my line of work. It’s always better to delay for time or deflect when questioned.”
My entire body felt like it was on fire, “I’ll remember that for the future.”
As Kai took another step forward, I retreated slightly. “So, do you agree on the terms?”
We started moving around the space, I was walking backwards and Kai followed before I stopped and raised my hand, “Fine.” My nerves were already shot without being the mouse to his cat.
Kai ceased prowling.
“Let’s go then,” he said before leaning down and whispering, “Be gentle with me.”
I placed my hand flat against his chest and pushed him back slightly. His skin was warm and the action sent a tingle up my arm.
With a flip of my head, I motioned towards the assorted sports tape and gloves on the cabinet by the wall. “Don’t you need gloves? Or tape?”
Pursing his lips, he glanced to where I had motioned before slowly shaking his head, “No. Why?”
“From the looks of it, you’re already injured,” I said, noticing his knuckles were scraped.
“It’s nothing,” he batted off.
I raised my eyebrows and flexed my already taped hands, “So you have indestructible skin?”
My stomach flipped as Kai started circling me, no doubt weighing up the competition. “I don’t need tape or boxing gloves. I will defend and you attack. Let’s see what you’ve got.” As if there was any competition. I knew I was about to get my arse kicked.
“Don’t do me any favours. I want a fair fight. And will you stop that, you’re starting to make me dizzy.”
Kai came to stop in front of me again, a new smile on his face. One that made me feel like he was patronising me. “A fair fight? Nothing is fair between us or ever has been, Ava. You know that.”
Sniffing, I started to check the tape on my hands, “What do you mean?” Kai was standing so close to me that it messed with my mind.
He slipped a hand under my chin, lifting my gaze and inspecting my face with interest, “I’mnotgoing to hit you. I’m twice your size, what do you take me for?”
“A criminal?” I said with a syrupy smile. His smirk told me he knew what I was doing.
He grinned, “Point taken. But notthatkind, never that. I don’t hit girls,” he replied, releasing me.
“I suppose I should be thankful for that.”
My entire body started to react, readying itself for the inevitable. I would not pull my punches. My instructor told me I had taken to my classes like a duck to water but there was no way I would beat Kai.
If, I managed to make contact once it would make me happy. Not to maim just to shock. Kai had underestimated me in the past and had regretted it. Maybe he would again?
“Maybe I don’t want to hurt you?” I said, stalling to allow my headspace to understand what we were about to do.
“Then imagine I am my father.” There was a coldness in his eyes as he said those words, it was only fleeting but I saw it.
It reminded me of what Gerard had done to me and how Kai hadn’t listened. That thought, fed fuel to my fire. A pulse of awareness reverberated down my spine.
“Go stand in the centre,” Kai instructed briskly. I was very aware of him behind me as I walked over.
As I turned and flexed my hands, raising my fists I watched him, wary of his every move. Kai moved like liquid; ruthless and sure in his fighting stance as he rolled his shoulders and raised his hands.
“Do I need to pat you down first?”
“What do you mean?” I frowned.
“Do you have any weapons on you? Apart from the two pressing against your top?”