Page 116 of Revenge

My life was a shitshow of my making, “Whendid she leave?” Nico wasn’t fazed as I snapped at him, he knew what I was like when I was tense.

Nico scratched his chin, “About twenty minutes ago.”

“She must have packed quickly,” I shot back in a huff. Women usually took forever getting their shit together but no, on that day, this female packed at light speed.

“She didn't take anything, just some carry-on.” The fact that she hadn’t taken any of the things I bought her was another kick in the balls.

“Oh, and she gave me this,” Nico said, drawing Ava’s engagement ring from his pocket.

“Give me that,” I snarled, taking it from him and pushing it into my pocket.

She had given me her ring back. That fact was a direct punch to the heart. “So, if she didn’t pack a case. We have even less time as she won't need to go through the usual check-in. Damn it. Then we'd better get a move on. Contact Captain Matthews.”

“To do what?” Nico’s shrill voice did little to help my head.

“To stop my fucking plane?” I decided to call Sean and ask him to get the car ready, I could probably have washed my hair by the time Nico got a fucking shift on.

“I'll see what I can do,” he mumbled moodily. Now was not the time to take offence at my black mood.

Thumbing Sean’s number, I shot Nico a death glare and he raised his hands in surrender, lifting his phone to his face, “Sean, bring the Audit around. Yes, I needed to be at White Waltham Airfield ten fucking minutes ago.” I then ended the call and pocketed my phone.

Exhaling and striding towards the front door, Nico flanked me on one side, “Are you sure about this Kai? What if the damage is done and she doesn’t come back? What did you say to her? In answer to your earlier question, she looked like shit by the way.”

Thank fuck for small mercies, “I was a prick to her and didn't tell her how I felt. I lied.”

I was hyper-aware of the time as I yanked open the front door. Sean was steering the car in through the gates, scattering pebbles everywhere.

I stopped, turned, and grabbed Nico by the lapels of his jacket, growling with a pained voice into his face, “Ineedher, Nico.”

“I know, mate. I could have told you that years ago you mule-headed twat.” He was my best friend as well as my second and I knew it was his obligation to tell me when I was wrong.

And at that moment, I had never been as wrong about anything.

I love you, Ava. And I’m coming to get you.

Releasing my one and only true friend, I shot him a withering look, I barked my earlier instruction, “Call Matthews, now dickhead!”



I felt a profound feeling of loss; accompanied by the deepest sadness I hadeverexperienced. And I didn’t know how to handle it.

After the worst night’s sleep, I felt exhausted; and emotionally drained. Numb almost.

I had tossed and turned, the image of Kai’s face and his hurtful confession echoing in my mind like a recurring nightmare.

“I don’t love you, Ava.”

The unfairness of what had happened was like a huge wavecrashingover my head.

As Lester had driven me to the airfield to catch the plane that would take me miles away, my emotions had fluctuated; confusion, anger, loneliness and even a sense of relief. But I knew that last feeling was like a fight or flight response; my body’s way of protecting myself from further harm.

Kai has let you go. Hedoesn’tlove you. He has given you what you havealwayswanted; your freedom. You should be happy.

So why did I feel like I was dying inside?

As I hugged Lester goodbye and boarded the plane, relief was the last thing I now felt. Agonising pain, rejection, self-doubt—fear? Take your pick.