There was no doubt in my mind that Ava Cawthorne would be the death of me.
“Why on earth would your hitman want to do that for my mother? I get that they were fucking but to go to those extremes.”
Securing my Beretta, I slammed the gun cabinet door closed, before blasting her a look, “Why do you think? Because he’s in love with her.”
Realisation dawned on her pretty face and I would have given anything to tug her into my arms and tell her that she had nothing to worry about and that I would handle things. But at that moment, I didn’t know if I could.
Pursing her lips, Ava took a step to block my exit, “Why don’t you just let him do it?”
Moving Ava to one side by gently pushing her, I swung past her and set off for the door.
Ava followed as I explained, “Because that isn’t the order of how things are done. There are rules, Ava. Protocols that we must follow. I can’t have my men just going off haphazardly killing people, irrespective of how much they deserve it. Stay here.”
She ran to block the door, her face now showing that strength that I loved about her. Wait, what, love?
Yes. You’re in love with her.
Ava’s words distracted me from what I had just realised, “No, I’m coming with you.”
Dashing a hand through my hair, I glanced behind Ava as I heard the car pull up outside, “I don’t have time for this, Ava.”
She nodded, understanding me, and then turned on her heel to grab the door, pulling it open, “Then we’d better get going.”
The whole thing was fucked up. As Ava climbed into the SUV with Lester and Sean in the front, my eyesclashedwith Sean’s in the rearview mirror. Blood-curdling shock didn’t even begin to describe that exchange.
If Cillian killed my father without a kill request the entire organisation would be lost.
The car set off as the security gates opened to allow us to pass. I pulled out my phone and blasted a couple of messages out to Cillian, knowing they would remain unopened but I had to try.
I was Kai Kinlan, the head of the Kinlan Cartel and I hadn’t a fucking clue how to assert damage control on what lay ahead. I had two of my best, most trusted soldiers with me and my backup was an almost twenty-year-old female who was dressed like a fucking student on her way home from college.
When did things get so complicated?
When you brought Ava home.
Ava’s hands were white as they clutched the headrest of Lester’s seat. “You will stay close and if I even think you’re about to do something stupid, I will knock you out cold, fiancé or no fiancé. Do you understand me, Ava?”
“Yes,” she panted but I could see the fire in her eyes. Ava had her way. I was taking her to see my father. Not the way she had wanted but it was there all the same.
The main question which circled me like a shark’s fin was what state he’d be in when we got to him. Even if Cillian broke a few bones, he would still have done so without my order. That would be a direct dismissal of authority. Mine.
I didn’t care about my father’s life just then, he could rot. But things needed dealing with in the right order. A rogue soldier was a dead one and I couldn’t allow that to happen.
I needed my man to stand down, I also needed my woman to do the same.
As the car careered down the road and up a dirt path leading to the fastest route to my father, I knew with every fibre of my being that Ava was just that.
The journey to the safe house was fraught and I thought we wouldneverget there. We approached each bend in the road with a sickening speed. Kai attempted to get in touch with Cillian but it was radio silence.
At one point, Kai spoke angrily to a man called Henry, ordering him to stand down. Both Lester and Sean were also on their phones, Lester whilst he was driving which did not help the panic that tightened in my gut.
“Henry tried to reach out to Hamish,” Sean suddenly said. “But I couldn’t tell you whose side he’s on.”