“She was ashamed and embarrassed,” I said softly.
“Ashamed?I’mthe one who should beashamedof having a rapist and child molester for afuckingfather.”
“You can’t blame yourself.”
“Gerard touched you andrapedyour mother under my nose and I did fuck all,” he growled out; temper oozing from him.
Kai and I jumped apart as a voice bled into the room. It was as cold as steel.
“Whatdid you just say?”
A wave of panic washed over me and we both turned,horrifiedto see Cillian standing just inside the doorway. The killer’s mouth was pulled into a taunt line and his eyes were almost black in the dim glow of the office lamp.
Kai glanced at me briefly with a warning look before moving towards his soldier, “Cillian?” he began, his voice calm, like trying to soothe a dog before it attacked.
A gasp left my throat as Cillian drew his gun on Kai, it was so fast and full of intent. “Repeat what you just said, Kai?Whatdid your fucker of a father do to Susannah?”
Kai had the sense to raise his hands and my tummy flipped as he stepped in front of me, to shield me from the path of the gun and the angry man wielding it, “Cill. Just come inside and listen. Let’s talk about this. Rationalise what is to be done.”
“Rationalise? Gerard,rapedSuki?” Cillian repeated, tilting his head past Kai’s body towards me, his gun still aimed at his boss’s chest.
“Ava?” Cill barked making me jump.
My shoulders slumped, “Yes,” my voice came out as a hoarse whisper. “Gerard raped my mother,morethan once.” I knew I was taunting the devil but I wanted the matter to go nuclear.
Kai twisted to me and then back to Cillian, his hands still in the air, “Ava, for fucks sake, stop. Let’s all just calm the fuck down until I get my head around this?”
I took that as my cue to throw more fuel onto the fire, “What’s to get your head around Kai?” I moved around him to stand by his side, totally vulnerable to Cillian now. I didn’t care.
For Cillian’s benefit, I pointed out to Kai, “Gerard Kinlan is a lying bastard who broke one of your precious codes. Doesn’t that always end the same way? What’s different this time?” Kai appeared to be in shock that his man had pulled a gun on him. And to be honest, so was I.
Dropping his hands, he placed a finger and thumb on his nose and closed his eyes, “I’m thinking. If you just…”
And then Cillian took matters into his own hands, “Wrong answer,” he said, holstering his gun and walking out of the office.
“Cill—Cillian, wait. Stop, that’s an order—shit!” Kai went to move after him then thought better and withdrew his phone. He raised a hand telling me to stay put and silent and I did.
Fuck. This was not the way it was supposed to go. I didn’t want anyone else involved. Now Cillian had overheard and was intending on dealing with Gerard single-handedly. What if something happened to him? My mother would be crushed. Shit, was this even fixable?
Fuck! This was sonotfixable.
Ava grabbed me by the arm whilst I was waiting for Lester to answer his fucking phone, “What’s happening, where’s he going?”
Glancing down, I could see her eyes were wide with fear but there was no soft soaping that shit, “To assassinate my father. Lester—have you—yes, I know what I said.Getafter him. Call Henry and have him move Gerard to the panic room. Cillian has already left. Under no circumstances are you to shoot to kill, do you understand me?”
“Cillian’s going to shoot Gerard because of Suki?” Ava panted; her face contorted in panic.
I nodded, ending the call, and striding to my arms cabinet, “Yes, shoot, maim and anyone else who gets in his way.” After keying in the code, I reached for my gun holster and started to shrug it across my shoulders.
Ava was in shock as she stood by the desk she had ruined, wringing her hands together, “Why would he do that?”
I felt a wave of dread as I replied, “As vengeance for your mother of course.”
The little pain in my arse had no clue how much she’d fucked up. If Cillian went against my orders and touched Gerard in any way, I’d have to have him killed, especially after what had happened recently. Letting Ava off the hook, and releasing Quinn had not been decisions that had gone down well with the outer circle of my organisation. My fortress was gradually crumbling down around my ears. The whole thing was becoming a shit show and I had the little minx in front of me to thank for that.
You should have just let her see him.