Page 105 of Revenge

“If we don’t know, we treat him like the enemy,” Kai said coldly.

I could see Kai was all business, attempting to contain the shit that was about to go down but I was plotting my own method of attack.

If Cillian killed Gerard before I arrived, I would be pissed, irrespective of him having done the deed for Suki. But I supposed that was better than allowing him to breathe one more fucking day. To see his dead body would besomecompensation.

I wanted to see his face as the life force was drained from his body. At least, I thought I did, the closer we got, the sicker, I felt at the thought of being the one to pull the trigger.

If you are given that chance, you must do it. It’s the only way to get complete closure after what he did.

Could I do it, could I kill a man in cold blood?But is it cold blood after everything he did?

The car jerked again, pulling my head up. I shivered, feeling helpless and chilly which was odd considering I wore a hoodie and had a gun down my jeans.

Kai had no idea I was armed or of my true intentions if Gerardwasstill breathing.

What a fucking day.

That haunting truth that Gerard was still alive also made me feel that unless he was dead, I would never be safe. Not with his fucking moles around which Anton had mentioned Kai was aware of. If he lived, so did some of his minions. I was no longer worried for my life at Kai’s hands but whilst Gerard was alive, so were others that may want me dead. Especially if it ever came out to our wider audience about my involvement in bringing down the head of a Cartel.

I felt so confused. Being so close to Kai last night and now, he seemed even further away from me than before.

And it was all due to Gerard fucking Kinlan. That one name that kept coming back and tainting everything; eating away at people’s lives like the cancer that lived inside of him.

As we pulled through the security gates, the entire yard looked deserted, or so I thought. Then I saw the bodies. Two men were lying face down in the mud close to the door. Both of their heads had bullet holes in them. I turned away from the sight of bloodmattingtheir hair and shoulders.

“Shit,” I heard Kai mutter.

Lester drew the car up to the old farmhouse. It was surrounded by security fencing and looked more like a prison; run down and as depressing as fuck. Both Lester and Sean went to climb from the car but stopped as Kai instructed, “Check them for signs of life.”


I slid across the seat, closer towards Kai as he was checking the bullets in his gun. Both Lester and Sean were doing the same outside the car. I left mine hidden, if Kai saw it, he would only take it off me.

A helicopter flew above us, making me gasp. The noise was so loud, it felt like it was almost on top of the car. It wasn’t though, it hovered and then flew slowly to the side, before setting down just outside the compound.

After checking the two dead men, Lester and Sean flanked the car on either side. I could hear the whirr from the propellers of the helicopter slowing down.

“What now?” I asked, my throat dry.

“We wait,” Kai said, casting me a look.

A jet of fear shot through me as two huge men and the one called Hamish came in through the open gates behind the car. Kai turned and watched them approach. Lester and Sean did the same with their guns drawn but not raised.

“What are they doing?” I asked, watching as the men joined in a huddle towards the side of the SUV and commenced their discussions.

“Please, what’s happening, Kai?” I questioned, staring out of the window.

Kai was interrupted from answering as his phone vibrated and he answered it. He spoke in a foreign language and I didn’t understand what he was saying.

I tried to take in some of the words. From his tone of voice, he wasn’t angry, if anything he sounded much calmer than before.

Glancing around, I tried to settle my nerves. The place was in the middle of nowhere surrounded by woods and fields. Ones that rolled for miles. No one would hear anything out there. What the fuck were we waiting for.

Kai ended the call and slid his phone away.

“What are we waiting for?” I repeated feeling the most stressed out I ever had. Kai was right. This wasn’t the life I wanted at all.

“Stay here,” Kai ordered. His deep voice was firm and brooked no further question. With my heart in my mouth, I was left alone as Kai climbed out of the car. I watched him through the rear window as he went to the boot and opened it. The black metal and parcel shelf cut off my view but as it lowered, I could see he held a black jacket.