Chapter One


Brushing back his hair, Scott listened to Christa with half an ear, that was all he needed because he could easily keep up. His fingers flew over the iPad. He was taking notes for the concert that required organizing for the latest up-and-coming band.The music wasn’t to Scott’s taste, but he could understand the human appeal when the band was made up of handsome men in their early twenties.

“We need to speak to Vince and ask if we can have the venue for an additional night because the tickets sold out in three minutes, and the demand suggests it would be financially worthwhile.”

Scott nodded, making an additional note to contact Vince. As a multitasker, Scott had learned long ago how to focus and prioritize what he needed to do first.

Dakata, a demon friend of his family, had built his music business from the ground up. When Scott had heard him complaining to his father about struggling to find someone in the human realm who was equipped to deal with Dakata’s demands, Scott had offered to work for Dakata. Even though his family had scoffed at him, he excelled and had quickly become Dakata’s right-hand demon.

Scott now knew the business inside out. Loved how he could slot all the pieces together to assist in making a band, or an event, reach its full potential.

“Are you listening to me?” Christa, Dakata’s sister, questioned, one shapely brow arched to perfection while she swept her black flowing locks over one shoulder.

“Of course.” Christa and her brothers did not focus on the details like Dakata, which was irritating, to say the least. Scott likedthings organized and was not used to this current chaotic state the office was in.

But since Dakata had met his blissful one, which most demons, himself included, thought was more of a myth, things had changed. Scott had hardly recovered from the shock when Merihem, Dakata’s best friend—who had become forced by the Demon King to come and work for Dakata because of a minor issue in the demon realm—had found his blissful one, too.

It was as if it was catching…

“Are you going to go? It seems rather urgent?” Christa’s voice penetrated past his thoughts, and he kept his expression totally neutral at being caught—for the first time—not paying attention.

He stared at Christa, hoping to gauge what he’d missed. When he got nothing, he ignored the smug smile at not being able to read her and swallowed his sigh of frustration.

“Merihem reached out. He’s been in an accident—"

“What!” Up off the seat, his concern for Merihem, who he genuinely liked, his sleeping demon stirred for the first time that day. His demon side hated office work so much that he spent most of the day sleeping when Scott was at work.

“He’s fine, as is Peni. They need you to go to them because of the cab driver, George, he needs to go to the hospital,” Christa explained as she wrote on a piece of paper.

A moment later, she pushed it over the table towards him, and he picked it up, seeing an address for a street he didn’t believe was that far away. He gave her a searching look, his concern for those he knew well held in check.

He didn’t jump to conclusions. “This cab driver, why is he important?”

Christa’s expression grew grave, and Scott’s demon paid attention. “He is a friend of Silas’s and injured seriously enough that he isn’t able to shift to heal. Merihem wants to ensure he’s looked after. Can you do that?”

“Of course.”

“Get him whatever he needs,” Christa added, like Scott needed the added instructions, when he didn’t.

Scott used his iPad to search for the details of the nearest hospital to where the accident was, working out the logistics. He often chose not to translocate, he much preferred human travel. It was less taxing when his demon wasn’t always awake.

The movement of Christa sitting back in her seat, crossing a silk-clad leg over the other, got Scott meeting her gaze. A light of amusement was there in the depth of her eyes. “Are you going? He’s unconscious and has no one to advocate for him.” She pointed at his tablet. “What are you doing?”

“He may have healed before I get there. But I’m looking at the hospitals in the area, assessing likely courses of action forthe paramedics.” Shifters, like demons, had the ability to heal themselves. The bear would probably be gone before Scott got there. Clearly, it was going to be a waste of his time.

He expressed none of his thoughts on the matter, while he considered what he would have to shuffle around to make sure he met all the personal deadlines he set himself to keep everything in order.

Christa gave him a seductive smile, one that would never work on Scott, as he wasn’t interested in females or dating another demon. They were all arrogant, and he’d had enough of that to last him a lifetime with his family. He liked calm and orderly, not chaotic or rampaging. It just wasn’t him.

“Possibly, but our guys are worried about the bear, so just check on them and him. I’ll sort through what’s needed here, so don’t worry.” She clearly got what his reluctance was. Christa or her brothers had no talent for organization, to Scott’s mind.

He nodded, spun around on his Italian loafers, and left the room, keeping the worry about how she’d achieve the things on the long list he’d established to keep her on track. When Christa went off in the opposite direction from Scott’s way of working, it was troublesome. But he got paid handsomely, so he didn’t complain.

At his desk, he tidied everything away in its place and tucked the iPad in his laptop bag. He would work at the hospital while they did whatever was needed so as not to waste time.

Scott released a quiet sigh at thoughts of this disruption and messaged Dakata’s driver.