With his laptop bag slung over his broad shoulder, two minutes later he slipped out of the building. Dakata’s car and driver were waiting for him. He moved swiftly and got into the back seat, the scent of leather greeting his nose. He settled back and immediately pulled out his laptop, resting it on his knees before giving the street address to the driver.

Minutes passed, and Scott lost track of time as he sent emails and re-organized his workload. When he glanced up as the car slid to a stop next to a police car, he looked at the scene of carnage. His pulse leaped at the mangled car.

Seeing Merihem holding a small goat, Scott tucked his laptop away and got out of the car, striding past the wreckage, and considered that Merihem and Peni were lucky to escape.

As he passed the ambulance, he noted the doors shutting as he reached Merihem. He saw a glimpse of a person on a trolley inside.

He’d barely come to a stop when Merihem demanded, “Scott, give this officer details of where to find me.” There was no waiting for a reply, Merihem stalked off with his blissful one in his arms.

Scott offered a polite smile, pulling out a card from his wallet. “You can contact this number, and I will organize a suitable time to discuss the accident.”

Scott didn’t acknowledge the blustering officer, he just repeated himself once more before leaving to go back to the car when the ambulance sirens blared as it drove off.

There were several bleats coming from Peni when Scott got into the back of the car. Seated, he glanced at Merihem. “Where to?” Scott tugged on the cuff of his suit jacket, crossing his legs.

“Take us to Dakata’s house.”

Scott gave the instructions to the driver while he listened to Merihem work to coax Peni to shift into his human form.

Scott watched in fascination when a rather giddy goat attempted to climb Merihem’s chest.

When they came to a stop, Merihem looked flushed, and his efforts to get Peni to shift had been unsuccessful.

“I need you to follow up with George, the cab driver. Go to the hospital and pay any bills for his care. See that they look after him.”

Scott nodded, knowing already that would be his next task. “Of course.”

Merihem got out of the car, buck naked. Scott heard a woman walking past gasp. Peni bleated and kicked his hooves in the woman’s direction when she stopped to stare.

Scott held back a chuckle when he heard Merihem whisper, “That told her,” which earned him a lick to his face from the goat.

When Merihem returned his attention to the open door and Scott, he grinned. “I’ll not be in the office for the rest of the week. Can you email me everything you want me to look at and courier over anything requiring signing?”

“Of course.”

Back with his laptop on his knee, Scott pulled up a schematic of the emergency department while tracking the ambulance via the street cameras. Not strictly legal, but it allowed him to know exactly where George was and would end up.

When they stopped behind the same ambulance, Scott closed down his laptop and set it aside. “Please find somewhere to wait, I’ll call you when I’m ready to leave.”

“Yes, sir.”

Out of the car, Scott strode into the emergency room, his nose twitched at the scents assaulting him. He went to the desk where people stood queuing. He patiently waited his turn.

The woman behind the counter didn’t even bother to look at him as he stepped forward. “How can I help you?” she asked in a bored tone.

“I’m looking for George Maybank. He was brought in after an accident involving several people.”

“Are you a relative?” She tapped at the keyboard.

“Yes,” he lied, not wanting to explain why he was there or who had sent him.

Gum moved its way around her teeth as she blew a bubble, and it popped as she finally glanced at him. When she got a look at him, the bored look disappeared. A smile appeared, he supposed she thought was flirty.

His blond good looks and dimples often got this reaction. “He’s in the emergency bay for assessment and observation.”

“Thank you.” He spun about and walked off, not needing anything more.

“Sir, you can’t go back there,” she called after him.