Sakena was their Head Healer to the Royal Line. He hoped that she would have a positive impact with Riley and help her to relax.
“As we will need your personal presence as well, Laktoa. Bring ten of your most trusted guards,” Klaej said.
Laktoa’s eyes hardened. It was an unusual request, but again he retained his professionalism and simply nodded. He knew he would be told everything once they landed, but Rujali was taking no risks before the crystal was properly returned to the tower—which was the first thing he was going to do after he’d ensured Riley’s comfort.
“As you wish. We will guide you in to your personal landing pad. Laktoa out.” The screen went black and then the view of the planet returned. The craft jolted a little as the guiding beam locked on their craft and Rujali could finally relax. Laktoa would bring them planet-side without an issue.
Riley tapped his arm. “This Sakena person. He...”
“Sheis our most senior Healer. She will take good care of you, mate,” Setzan said. He settled in a chair and held his arms out to Riley. Rujali happily transported her to his brother’s waiting lap.
Riley looked between them. “She won’t use that device on me. Will she?”
Rujali chuckled. She was concerned that rendering a person incapacitated was a normal part of their healing process. He guessed she might think that way, given their treatment, or mistreatment, of the device, but it was only used in the most extreme of cases, which she had been.
He brushed a strand of hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. He liked the unusual style of her hair. It showed she was tough, which she was.
“No. She won’t do anything like that. She is very experienced and very gentle. Don’t worry. She is one of our best and regularly treats Klaej with all of his injuries on the training field with his clumsiness,” Rujali said.
“What about the time you broke your arm when I simply pushed you on your ass?” Klaej said.
“Or that time you cracked your head open when I merely touched you with my sword,” Setzan said.
“You smashed the end of your sword on my helmet to test how strong it was after you jumped from a three-story height. You both ganged up on me with a fighting staff and metal shield.” He remembered both of those injures as vast injustices to his fighting integrity. He had been brought down with thoroughly underhanded tactics, which was just like his brothers to do.
A beautiful sound cut through his ire. Riley chuckled, her face alight with pleasure, and his heart skipped a beat.
“Looks like I’m going to have to train you with some more skills if you’re so bad.” Her smile was brighter than the sunniest day in the peak of the hot season.
A smile curved his mouth. “Yes, mate. You can teach me any skills you have, because you are one of the best warriors I have had the honor of fighting with.”
“You mean that, don’t you?”
“From the bottom of my heart,” Rujali said.
“And he doesn’t say anything he doesn’t mean. Besides, I also want to say you can train with me any time as well,” Setzan said.
“I would be proud to have you as a training partner. You will help me beat my brothers,” Klaej said.
Her sharp gaze studied their faces. She must have seen what she’d been looking for, because she gave a decisive nod and settled against Setzan’s chest.
“Well, then. Challenge on, I say. Right after I get some sleep.” She stifled a yawn. “And something to eat. I have to admit, I’m a bit bushed at the moment.”
“I don’t know what a tree has to be with being tired, but we intend to look after your every need, Riley. If you need to eat, we will feed you. If you need to sleep, you will rest. If you need to fight, we will arm you. Have no fear,” Rujali said.
She nodded, her eyelids growing heavy despite the excitement of coming home. “You know, I don’t have fear. Not with you. Never again.”
His chest nearly burst with pride as their mate finally succumbed to well-needed sleep. She had finally accepted them.
Chapter Twenty-One
“You know, when I asked you what you did for a job on your world and you said you worked for the government?” Riley said as she wrapped an arm around Rujali’s waist.
She had asked them after they’d landed and had come face to face with an entourage of people, dressed in colorful, if not a little flamboyant, uniforms standing at attention waiting to serve a long, steady stream of orders that her men issued with authority.
Riley stood with Rujali by an open floor-to-ceiling window as a gentle, warm breeze drifted in, tugging at her loose robes around her legs. She rested her head on his shoulder.