Page 51 of The Ozar Triad

“Or you’ll what? Fuck me to death?” A scowl crossed her face, but she stopped struggling. A delicate, attractive pink tinged her cheeks. He was getting to like that tint. It meant she wasn’t adverse to the threat she’d thrown out. His blood heated at the thought. Besides, if her outbursts led to sex, who was he to stop her?

Rujali walked over to her and pressed a kiss onto her upturned mouth. “You are naked and vulnerable. Although I can smell your arousal, I’m afraid we don’t have the time to dedicate to your complete and utter satisfaction right now, mate. We will deal with the scaled one and then you may do to it what you want. I promise you that. For now, we approach our Homeplanet and I would think you would like to meet our people wearing more than just your skin.”

Riley blinked the dazed look from her eyes as he ran the pad of his thumb along her plump bottom lip. He had to resist the urge to bite it, aware that the planet had appeared in the viewfinder and their security would demand visual contact, as was procedure when encountering a craft not of their planet.

With a sigh, he picked up the blanket and replaced it around her shoulders. It would have to do while they procured fresh clothing for her. The items she’d worn had been completely ruined from fighting the Reptiles.

He gently turned her to face the viewscreen. “Look.”

A soft gasp escaped her lips. He didn’t blame her. His Homeplanet was magnificent. A purple aura surrounded an aqua ocean that divided their three continents. Because of the position of their sun and several moons, the gasses around the planet caused vibrant swirling colors to flash in and out over the land. The Arabis Homeland was haloed with bright magenta and purples, matching their crystal. The Erion Homeland was lit with the distinct blue green of their crystal, while they continued their journey around the globe to the golden glow of their Homeland. The effect of the gases made the planet sparkle and shine against the inky backdrop of the universal sky.

“It’s beautiful,” Riley whispered.

Rujali pressed her back against his chest, winding his arms about her. Her small hands clung to his forearm as she leaned against him. Contentedness settled through him. He rested his chin on the top of her head and breathed in her scent. The scents of his brothers also still clung to her. The mix smelled of home.

“Yes, it is. I can only hope that the return of the crystal will help to restore peace to our planet,” he said.

“I lost two of them. I had them in my hands, and then I lost them.” The grief in her tone was palpable.

“It is not your fault. That you held onto ours was a miracle in itself. We are beyond grateful,” he said.

She shoulders dropped. “But still. I lost them.”

“Do not put yourself down, mate. We appropriate blame where it is due. Between the three of us, we didn’t manage to secure one. You did. And if you don’t stop blaming yourself, we will demonstrate again that it was not your fault.” He pressed his thickening erection into the small of her back, leaving her in no uncertain terms just how he intended to show her.

“Are you going to prove all of your points with sex?” she asked.

She tilted her head to look over her shoulder at him and he caught the amused smirk on her mouth. It seemed she found that an equally acceptable way for him to demonstrate his intentions as well.

Their life ahead would be very interesting indeed. He let out a low growl, noting with satisfaction when her nipples instantly pebbled.

“You have a dirty mind, mate,” he said. “Keep it out of the gutter and to the task at hand. We will soon receive an incoming hail and I prefer to keep your glorious naked body all to myself and not broadcast over every security screen in our Homeland.”

She cleared her throat, turning her attention back to the planet. “I think I’d prefer that as well.”

As though on cue, there was a beep and Setzan activated the comm. Although this craft was under the ownership of the scaled ones, it was close to their own technology. The viewscreen flickered and the face of one of the first contact staff was broadcast.

“Name. Serial number. Intention.” When the young boy’s gaze lifted to them, his expression faltered and a look of terror crossed his face. As it should. “Y-Your Highnesses,” he stuttered. “Welcome back.” He frantically clicked several buttons on his console. “Please be welcomed back after your long journey. We are so pleased to see you again.” His attention grazed over them all, and then faltered on Riley. “Who is she?”

Klaej and Setzan framed both himself and Riley.

“This is Riley, a human from Earth, and she is our mate,” Klaej declared in his deep, booming voice. He crossed his arms, as though daring the poor young staffer to deny him. Of course, the young man wouldn’t, but Rujali couldn’t fault Klaej’s possessiveness.

The staffer’s mouth fell open and his entire face went slack. “I… um…”

“Langan. What’s the issue here?” Laktoa, Chief Head of Security, appeared behind Langan and bent slightly to see into the viewscreen on the console. “You’re back!” His gaze settled on Riley. His mouth fell open and his eyes bulged. He took a few moments to gather himself, struggling to find words. “And who is this?”

Riley stiffened beneath Rujali’s arms.

He forgave Laktoa his lack of manners, given he’d forgotten formal protocol, speaking to them as the friends they were, instead of the Royal line.

“This is our mate, Laktoa, and she is extremely uncomfortable with all of this attention,” Setzan said.

Laktoa bolted into action. “We will guide you in. I will have senior staff on the ready upon your arrival and will have cleared the area. Is there anything else you wish for, Your Highnesses?”

Rujali was grateful for Laktoa’s professionalism. They would have to be ready to experience the surprise of his entire Homeland. “I will need Sakena to attend our mate. She is injured and requires immediate medical assistance.”

She hadn’t said anything, but the gashes and various bruises and abrasions on her body had to be hurting. Plus, he wanted her treated for possible dehydration and undernourishment. It had been a long time since they’d eaten and there had been a lot of activity since.