Riley was curled in Setzan’s lap in one of the chairs in the bridge, his arms wound protectively around her. They were all in the little bridge and she’d been stargazing out of the front screen of their little craft and they’d shared holding her between them while they returned to their Homeplanet.
She’d been dozing on and off for hours now, which was a good thing. Her body was covered in scratches, bruises and puncture wounds. The events of the past few days had to have taken a toll and the best thing for her was to sleep. When they arrived back home, the first thing Rujali was going to do was get their Healer to look at her.
And then all would sleep.
The sound of going back home was like ambrosia. Not only did they have the Ozar Crystal, they had found their mate. Their people would be ecstatic. Prosperity would return. The Healer would be busy with the births of new babies across their Homeland when said prosperity would come into its natural conclusion.
He peered at Riley again. His eyes seemed to be drawn to her of their own accord. He could hardly blame himself. He’d never thought he would find their mate, had thought to share his life with his brothers alone, without everything a mate would bring. Life. Love. Children.
Once the crystal was reinstalled in the tower, they would mate-sync which would enable new life to grow within her womb. He could hardly believe the fates had smiled on them. Finally.
“Rujali? A word.” Klaej appeared in the cockpit.
Rujali brought his wandering mind to the present, noting that Klaej spoke unusually quietly so as not to wake Riley. Setzan’s arms tightened a little around her, but then relaxed when she didn’t even stir.
Klaej indicated to follow him. With a frown, Rujali rose from the pilot’s seat and into the room that would now hold very good memories.
He stopped in his tracks. A scaled one was trussed up in reams of rope and was lying on its belly on the floor. Its small arms were tied behind its back and its back legs lashed to its tail. It seemed to be subdued despite being in the uncomfortable position it was in.
As soon as Rujali walked in, the scaled one hissed and clacked at him, its beady eye following him when he towered over it.
“I found it hiding in a back room. Cowering like a coward. I overcame it without any effort at all.” Klaej crossed his arms and looked slightly disgusted.
Rujali agreed with Klaej’s assessment. It should have put up a fight. To not do that suggested cowardice. Then again, they had abducted a human, a species that had no claws or venom spikes to defend themselves.
“We might be able to get some answers at least. That is, if we can work out a way to understand it,” Rujali said.
The creature gave up speaking. Its head sank back to the floor with a sigh.
“It doesn’t seem to be like its warrior brothers.” Klaej shoved it with his boot. The creature didn’t stir. Klaej scowled.
“Leave it be, Klaej. We need it to be in good working order. As soon as we land, I’ll get Anjev to design a translator for it. This one seems to be of a disposition unlike its compatriots. We might be able to find out why they had the crystals, and why they abducted Riley.”
A low growl sounded from Klaej’s chest.
The scaled one spoke with rushed hisses and clacks, as though its words tripped through its mouth in their haste to get out. Rujali might even imagine a hint of fear in its eyes.
He didn’t blame the creature. Klaej had been known to exact fear with his growl.
“I want to rip it limb from limb for abducting our mate,” Klaej said.
“As do I, but we need information before you do that. Once we have everything we need, then you can do whatever you want to it.”
After they’d returned the crystal to its rightful place in the tower and installed four times as many guards to protect it. After they’d mate-synced with Riley. After they were all sated enough to sleep for a week.
This creature could rot in a cell for a few days for all he cared.
After that, then he’d want answers.
“What’sthat?” Riley was framed in the doorway, pointing at the scaled one. “I’m gonna rip you limb from limb, you asshat.”
She strode toward it.
From behind her, Setzan nimbly grabbed her by her biceps and held her back. She struggled and the blanket that was wrapped about her shoulders fell to the floor, revealing her naked form.
“She woke apparently?” Rujali asked calmly.
Setzan shrugged as best he could while holding their wildcat of a mate. “She did. But if she knows what’s good for her, she’ll stop struggling and hurting herself further.”