“Doesn’t mean I don’t own the tree!”
“Gentlemen, I’m not exactly a tree expert.”
“That’s not the point,” Ed insists. “You’re the most reasonable person in this town. You should be the one to decide.”
“Or you could ask the town surveyor,” Tatum suggests, leaning back with a mischievous smile.
Harvey glares at Ed. “Surveyor? We don’t need some fancy-schmancy surveyor telling us who owns what. We’ll settle this right here, right now.”
“I’m flattered that you think I can solve this, but maybe we should table it for later?” I offer diplomatically, hoping to steer the conversation away from the tree and back to my wine.
Harvey grumbles something under his breath, but Ed huffs before he can press the issue. “Fine. But next time, you’ll see. That tree is mine.”
The two of them shuffle off, still muttering. I lean back in the booth, finally letting out a laugh.
“I swear, it’s something new with those two every week.”
“They’re like kids fighting over toys,” Tatum adds. “Last week, it was about a flower bed, wasn’t it?”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if next week it’s about a bird’s nest or something.”
Tatum raises her glass. “Here’s to the drama of Hicks Creek. May it never stop.”
I clink my glass against hers.
“I needed this.”
“Me too, Mama, me too.” She giggles.
“I swear, no one in this town can solve their own problems, and everyone thinks they need to be in my business.”
“Perk of being part of the first family. It’s all out of love, but I get how that could be annoying as all get-out.”
“Beyond. Heaven forbid I ever do start dating again. It’ll be like the poor man is dating the entire town.”
“You know, maybe we can put you on one of those reality television shows. The spin is that the entire town gets to vote on the five guys to date you. They have the ultimate say in all of it.”
“Please don’t say that too loud,” I groan. “Mrs. Emerson will make that the next church fundraiser.”
“You’re a hot commodity around here, Mrs. Mayor.”
Only because half the town thinks being the mayor is a high-paying job and that I struck it rich when Aaron died. No, seriously, someone actually alluded to me paying a hitman to kill him.
The gossip queens in this town know no bounds.
“I should have known I’d find you two here.” Michael, Tatum’s husband, laughs as he sits beside Tatum.
“You know how those town halls are.” Tatum waves him off as she leans into him playfully.
“It’s why I stopped going.”
“Wish I had that option,” I interject.
“Everything is ready to go for tomorrow. The VFW is taking care of the 21-gun salute and…”
“Thanks so much for…”
He reaches over and puts his hand on top of mine. “Henry was like a dad to me. Aaron and I joined the Army because of him, and…well, with Aaron gone and Gavin in the wind, it shouldn’t all rest on your shoulders.”