“You’re seriously the best, Michael.”
“He really is,” Tatum states as she looks up at her husband adoringly.
I never understood how Michael and Aaron could be best friends. Aaron was always so closed off and haughty. Yes, my late husband would do anything for someone in the public eye, but not for me, Jayla, or his family. Michael is just a good man all around.
“Have you heard from Gavin?” I ask cautiously.
I grip the edge of the vinyl seat underneath me. My stomach clenches as I wait for his answer.
“Nah, I tried calling and texting him, but he didn’t reply. I’m not sure what I expected, really.”
I swallow hard and look away.
I’m not sure what answer I wanted. Part of me, the old Lena who was madly in love with him, wishes nothing more than for him to be here, to wrap his arms around me and take care of everything like he always did. The other part of me doesn’t want to lay eyes on the man who destroyed my heart.
“We don’t need him coming to cause issues. He would just make everything about him anyway,” I hiss quietly. “Hopefully, he deals with Henry’s estate. I can’t handle any more surprises from the Wells men.”
“Oh no,” Tatum groans with wide eyes. “Drake Johnson is on his way over here right now.”
“Do I have time to jump under the table?”
“No, but we can get up and leave right now. Michael will stay to pay the bill.”
“Gee, thanks,” Michael grouses as Tatum and I hurriedly climb out of the booth.
“You know how annoying he is. Run interference,” Tatum calls quietly over her shoulder.
Annoying is an understatement. He’s a man who dresses and talks as though he was a fifties greaser in another life.
“Thanks for the save,” I tell Tatum once we are standing outside my car in the parking lot.
“I’ve always got your back.”
“You’ll be there tomorrow?”
“Like that should even be a question,” she answers softly. “I’ll be at your house first thing in the morning. Whatever happens, whether Gavin shows up or not, everything will be okay.”
I wish I believed her.
“Thank you.”
She hugs me tightly before I climb into my car and drive home. When I get inside the house, Jayla is sound asleep on the couch, curled up under her dad’s old Georgia Bulldogs blanket. She looks so peaceful that I let her stay there.
I go into my bedroom and begin to get ready for bed. When I walk into the bathroom to wash my makeup off, I take a good look at myself in the mirror.
Tatum is right. Gavin won’t show up tomorrow. He left town and never looked back. He cut off ties with everyone, and I have to remind myself that I’m one of the people he left.
Chapter Three
The day feels colder than it should. I stand outside of my Maserati in my suit, tugging at the collar like it might loosen the knot in my throat.
I could just leave. No one would notice, most likely. No one but Jayla has even seen me yet. Other than Alicia, she’s probably the only one who cares.
I can call Mike tomorrow to go over the will.
“I see the way you look at her,” Dad said as we stood outside at a Fourth of July party our family was hosting.