Page 58 of One Final Target

“As soon as possible.” Sam had ended the call and told Detective King and Smiley that the plan was a go. “I’m thinking we should probably get her out of here tonight,” he said. “Hopefully we won’t be dragging her kicking and screaming. She does seem to be a little stubborn.”

“You have no idea,” King said.

Smiley grinned ruefully. “We can take her with us back to the station, arrange for her transport to George’s house, and set up something with him. Security needs to be tight.”

Mike handed him a backpack. “This is Jodie’s. I removed it from her car. She’ll probably need it.”

Waiting for someone to answer the door, Sam switched the backpack to his other hand, glad to have a peace offering of sorts.

Calls from the media and onlookers had bombarded him as he made his way from the command post to the Perkins residence.

“Can you tell us what’s going on?”

“Who are you? Who do you work for?”

“Was there really a bomb?”

All Sam could say was “No comment.” He turned to face the crowd. “Please, these people have nothing to do with the news story down the street. Leave them alone.” Relief swept through him when Levi let him inside.

“This is a circus,” Levi said. “Will it be over soon?”

“I’m afraid not. There’s still a lot of evidence to sift through. The chief is going to issue a statement soon—that might at least get rid of the press. Your neighbors are likely to be unsettled for a while.”

“My mom and Jodie are in the kitchen. I’m going to bed.”

“Hang in there, guy.”

Sam found Jodie drinking tea with Estella in the kitchen.

“Sam, can I get you some tea?” Estella asked.

“Thank you, no, I’m fine. I came to talk to Jodie.”

“I’ve invited her to stay with me for the night. With all those cops out there, we’re safer than Fort Knox. I don’t think she should make any big moves now. She needs sleep—we all need sleep.”

“You’re right,” Sam said. He saw the surprise bloom on Jodie’s face.

“I thought you wanted me to stay with your friend.”

“I do, but I don’t want you to be forced. We’re all tired. Decisions will be easier to make after at least a little sleep. Estella is right. There’s going to be a strong police presence here for a while. You’ll be safe for the night.”

“Thank you so much.” Jodie wanted to jump up and hug Sam. His words relieved the pressure she’d been feeling, and relief swept through her like a cool wave. “My uncle won’t be happy.”

Sam shrugged. “I’ll talk to him. We can’t let the bad guy force us to move too quickly and maybe make a mistake. He’ll see the wisdom there.” He held out her backpack. “By the way, he took this out of your car, thought you’d need it.”

“Oh, thanks.” She took the backpack and set it on Estella’s couch. “And I promise I will give staying with George serious consideration.” Even as she said the words, Jodie tried to think of a way she could turn being sent to a safe house to her advantage. She needed to be in on the capture of the IED lunatic, and she would find a way to make it happen.

Estella stood. “I’ll go make up the guest room.” She left the kitchen, and Sam sat across from Jodie.

“I’m sorry if my suggestion about George upset you. I—”

“I’m not upset,” Jodie cut him off. “Well, maybe a little bit,” she conceded. “I didn’t like the guy, but he’s not the problem. I hate the idea of running and hiding.Iwant to catch this guy. It was my team he blew up.”

“Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor. There are a lot of good cops working on this, Jodie. You need to trust them.”

“I do.” Jodie almost smiled at how Sam echoed Estella. They both handled their pain and loss much better than she had so far. Any trace of a smile faded. Maybe their advice should be heeded, yet Jodie could not see herself where they were at any time in the near future. “I do have one concern though.”
