“You need to really think about that. Because, Adam, I can’t—” He exhaled heavily. “I’m already in way too deep here, I know, but I’m trying to be careful. I want everything you want, but I need you to be sure.”
Adam moved his hand to Riley’s cheek. “You seem to think I’m making a snap decision here or something. I’ve been thinking about this pretty much constantly for weeks—months. I’m sure, Riley. I’m fucking nervous about coming out, but I’ll get through it.”
“I’ve been thinking about it all the time too.”
“And I decided I shouldn’t get my hopes up.”
“What? Why? Get them up!”
Riley’s lips twitched. “I mean, they are. That’s the problem.”
“It’s not a problem. I want to be with you. I want everyone to know I’m with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He hesitated. “Was that too much? Fuck it, I don’t care. I love you, Riley. I’ve always loved you so much, but I’m finally able to love you the way you deserve. I’m sorry it took so long.”
For an intense moment, they stared at each other. Then Riley said, “You could have waited a little longer. At least until I’m not wearing a wet bathing suit.”
Adam laughed. “Have youseenyou in a wet bathing suit?”
Then they were kissing. Riley was careful with him, bracing him with a firm hand on his back as they kissed through their smiles. Then Riley pulled back and, with a steady hand on Adam’s cheek, said, “I love you, Adam.”
“I love you,” Adam said back, finally,finallygetting that right.
Their kisses got deeper, more passionate, and Adam groaned when he started to get hard. “God, I wish we could fuck.”
Riley, to his disappointment, stepped back. “Motivation to rest and do your physio and get better.”
“Right now, I am taking you to your bed, and you are going to try to nap. And after that, we can watchGladiator.”
Adam smiled. “Until you fall asleep on me.”
“That would be terrible for your shoulder.”
“Something to look forward to,” Adam said. “A lifetime of you falling asleep on me while watching stuff.”
Riley laughed, but Adam had meant it with his whole heart.
Five Years Later
One part of the job that never got old for Riley was watching a kid get their very first set of hockey gear.
Today it was Emily, a four-year-old girl who was grinning from ear to ear after trying on hockey pants. Riley remembered that feeling, the simple joy he used to get from hockey. He loved being able to relive it.
“Those aren’t too big?” Emily’s mother, Kim, asked Riley.
“I know they look huge, but no. Those are perfect.”
Emily purposely fell back on her butt. “It doesn’t hurt!”
“Nope,” Riley agreed with a smile. “Your butt will be invincible.”
“I want to wear these to school!”