Adam flicked the hand that wasn’t in a sling. “Swim. I’m fine.” Frankly, watching Riley slice through the water like a dolphin was the highlight of Adam’s day. Especially given how short Riley’s bathing suit was.
It had been an exhausting week. Adam had just done a round of the physio exercises he’d been given to do at home, and it had used up all the energy he’d had, which hadn’t been much to start with. Sleeping on his back while wearing a sling was challenging, which only added to the wooziness he already felt from the shock of surgery and from the painkillers.
He couldn’t be much fun to be around, but Riley had barely left his side. Riley had made the week much less horrible.
After a few minutes, Riley hoisted himself out of the pool.Adam enjoyed the rivulets of water that followed the lines of his pecs and stomach. He really was ridiculously handsome.
“You want to take a nap, maybe?” Riley sounded concerned, which told Adam that he must look as rough as he felt.
“Nah.” Adam attempted a flirtatious smile. “I’d miss you.”
Riley rolled his eyes but couldn’t hide his grin. “I’ll still be here when you wake up.”
“I know.”
Riley plucked a strawberry off the fruit plate and popped it in his mouth. Adam blatantly ogled him, particularly in the area where his wet bathing suit clung to his skin. They hadn’t done anything sexual since the night before the operation, and Adam definitely didn’t feel up to it yet, but it was nice to look. It was nice to beallowedto look.
Besides the sling, Adam was wearing a tank top and loose shorts that Riley had helped him put on. That combo had become his uniform this week. Except for the times he wore his silk robe. Riley also assisted him in the shower, took care of every meal one way or another, and helped him text Maggie and the kids in France.
And, most importantly, sometimes he kissed him.
With some effort, Adam got himself out of the chair. He rested his free hand on Riley’s chest. “I want to take you on a date.”
Riley’s eyebrows shot up. “Tonight?”
“I wish. No. But before you leave.”
Riley’s grin returned. “Dinner? Dancing?”
Adam winced. “Probably not dancing.”
“I was kidding.”
“Someday, though. I’d like to.”
“Yeah?” Riley seemed to blush, as if he still couldn’t understand that Adam wanted to do literally everything with him.Forever. And, to be fair, they hadn’t really talked about this, since Riley had arrived.
Adam decided to lay his cards on the table.
“Riles,” he said. “I want to do this for real.”
“Us. Everything. I want to be together, even if we need to deal with a bit of distance at first.”
To his surprise, Riley’s smile faded.
“Maybe we should talk about this when you’re not…” He gestured at Adam, as if presenting evidence.
“You think I’m not of sound mind right now or something? I’m a little tired, not delirious. I want you to be my boyfriend. Or partner. Or… I don’t know. I want to be with you all the fucking time for as long as you’re willing to put up with me.”
Riley looked at the ground, hiding his expression. When he finally tilted his face back up, his eyes were damp. “I need you to be sure.”
“I’m sure.”
“No, I mean, about all of it. Are you ready to let everyone know that you’re dating a man? That you’re dating…me?”