“Holy shit,” Jonathan swears as he slams up inside me, filling me to the brim.
Jamison pumps furiously behind me and wraps his hand around to play with my already sensitive clit. “Be a good girl and come again for us. One more time baby, so we can feel you clamp down on us while we fill your ass and pussy with our cum.”
My eyes whip open. Not because of his dirty words, but because he just called me baby. I look down to see Jonathan smirking. “You heard my brother, Pretty Girl. Come for us.” At his words, I shatter between the both of them. I come so fucking hard, I almost black out. Both men pump and groan in unison as their orgasms rip through them and they slam inside me before stilling. I fall onto Jonathan while Jamison leans over me, breathing hard. That was fucking incredible. I mean sex was good with just one of them, but both of them, together, that was on another level entirely. They gently pull out, causing me to whimper at the loss of the feeling of having them both so close. I move to lay on my side next to Jonathan as he turns and peppers kisses along my face and jaw. “You’re so fucking perfect, Pretty Girl.”
Jamison leans over me as he picks me up bridal style. “He’s right, Kitten. You belong to us now.”
I’m so worn out I can’t even speak, so I just nod yes in agreement as I’m taken into the bathroom, where both men proceed to clean me up and pamper me. If this is a dream, I don’t ever want to wake up…
Chapter 22
Two weeks later
I’m back at The Cellar, this time left to my own devices, and I’m not even mad about it. Not one bit. After my brother and I spent our weekend fucking Kaz, we attempted to act normal at work for the next week. We had all made a deal. It lasted about four hours into Monday before I walked into Kaz's office where I found Jonathan on his knees licking Kaz's sweet pussy while she was splayed across her fucking desk like a Thanksgiving turkey. The door had been locked, but little did she know, I had an extra key made for her office years ago. I promptly fucked her face in punishment while she came all over Jonathan’s tongue before walking out of her office and slamming the door behind me. I’ve tried to keep my distance, at least while around the other men of Bolt Corporation, but I’m fairly certain they’re all aware something is going on. Sebastian had mentioned wanting to discuss something with me but Xavier was drugged and kidnapped last weekend so we haven't had the chance to converse properly. I’ve avoided him all week in hopes that this entire Sasha and Lockhart situation will distract him from what I know he is probably wanting to discuss. I haven’t touched Kaz in three days and I’m already feeling slightly unhinged. After having her fully with Jonathan two weeks ago…The way she tookus both so fucking well. How fucking perfect she looked when she came apart with us. I can’t even think about anyone else.
I open and close the lighter in my pocket while standing against the wall in the back of the main casino room of The Cellar. Apparently, after our last visit, they must have realized they needed to up security so I won’t be entering through the back door again unfortunately. There are now two guards there and neither looks to be leaving anytime soon. No matter though, after all, I’m only here for a distraction. I’ll be damned if I don't make it a worthwhile one though. I make my way towards the doorway Xavier and Andre entered through a few minutes before. The guard eyes me but says nothing as I walk past him, whistling and smiling at him manically. He’s probably so used to the sick fucking perverts that come here, it doesn’t even faze him anymore. A few twists and turns and I come to a stop in front of a door with the signature Triad triangle above it. Ahh, the Gluttony room. What better way to cause a little distraction than to do it in a room full of ridiculously entitled pricks. I enter the room like a complete and utter asshole, my head held high like I own the place. Heads swivel in my direction and I smile wide, my face painting, I’m sure is throwing everyone off. The room is dimmed in low blue lighting. Tables throughout the room are covered in all types of food, including large baskets of fruit. I pop a few grapes in my mouth and wiggle my fingers at a few onlookers, making them smile and nod. Idiots. People lounge all around the large room on couches and cushions with pets close by. By pet, I mean a collared slave. I pat the head of one currently on his knees next to a man as I slide past him to sit on an available couch.
“You like to watch or do you plan to choose someone?” The man asks me curiously before motioning his head towards a large cage on a stage in the corner of the room. I eye the cage before turning back towards him.
“I’ll see where the night takes me.” My eyes flick to his slave who is currently bowed, head down. He raises his eyes to peer up at me before quickly lowering them again when he sees I’m watching him. I squint, racking my brain. Why does this man look familiar? The man sitting on the couch laughs and makes some joke about me sharing his slave, but I barely hear him. The slave's eyes lift to mine again and that’s when it hits me. I whip my phone out quickly when I feel it vibrate in my pants. Fuck. I tap into my app and press a few buttons. The lights go out a moment later, causing everyone around to freak out.
“What do you think is going on?” The man on the couch yells over the commotion.
“I’m not sure,” I reply to him, still staring at his slave when the lights flicker back on. The slave hasn’t left his position and his eyes are still trained on me. With record speed, I swipe into another app full of photos and screenshots, before finding the picture I’m looking for. A devilish smirk appears on my face. Well, well, well. Imagine my motherfucking luck. If I was gambling tonight, I would have hit the jackpot. A text comes through and I read it before swiping back to my previous app and pressing a few buttons again. I raise my eyes, the smile still on my face as I stare at the slave and he watches me back. Fear crosses his features before the room goes dark again.
“I’m going to find out what’s going on." The man on the couch says before standing unsteadily and stumbling past the slave. I don’t have time to explain anything to him. I have somewhere to be, so I whip out the keycard I have and a one-hundred dollar bill, before dropping to my knees and grabbing the slave by his collar to yank him closer. His whole body freezes in fear when he feels my hand shove into his small briefs. I can tell he’s relieved when I pull my hand out just as quickly.
“There’s a keycard in there that unlocks everything to this place. I believe you have a friend who would love to seeyou. Unfortunately, this is all the help I can offer you, but if you make it out of here alive, remember the name Bolt Corporation.” I yank him closer. “If you get caught and utter one word of this to anyone in here, I will make sure this collar is the least of your worries. I know for certain, there are rooms far worse than this one.”
The lights flick back on just as I’m standing up and sliding out another door. I make it out to the main room just in time to see Andre wrap his arms around two guards, swaying slightly. Fuck, that was close. Well, looks like I'll have to improvise a bit, I think as I pull a cigarette from someone's pack on a close-by table and light it up, before inhaling deeply. Fuck, that’s good. I haven’t had one of these in a while. I grab two drinks off a server’s tray and twist around to say thank you as they scowl at me. My body hits one of the guards and one of my drinks splashes all over him. Oopsie.
“What the fuck?” The guard screams at me.
He smacks the other drink out of my hand, causing it to spill all over the floor and curtain nearby.
“There’s no smoking in the lobby," he seethes out while I contemplate stubbing my cigarette out in his eye. I would really like to press it down and find out how deep of a hole it would burn before it went out completely, but I'll settle for watching his whole body go up in flames instead.
“That was costly liquor you wasted,” I reply, before dropping my lit cigarette at his feet.
He screams as his leg erupts in flames. I see Andre yank Xavier away out of my peripheral vision, and for a moment, I stand and enjoy the scene around me. Complete chaos ensues as the tablecloth and curtains around us also erupt in flames. I hope this whole fucking place burns to the ground. Unfortunately, I know that one cigarette will never be enough to make that happen. Without a second thought, I turn and pushthrough the crowd, leaving the burning guard to scream out in agony as he rolls on the ground. I smile at the text I receive from Andre, letting me know everything went as planned. ‘Hopefully, more than just Sasha made it out tonight,” I think, remembering the slave from earlier and the fear in his eyes.
Chapter 23
One Week Later
“How’s the new live in? You think you’ll add her to your harem of future wives?” I can barely contain my laughter as I joke with Andre. He snorts, clearly annoyed with me already.
“Fuck off, Jonathan. What did you call me for anyway?”
“Well,” I answer him as I casually stick my feet up on top of my desk as I lean back in my chair. “I was calling to let you know how Xavier’s meeting with his dearest uncle Lockhart went. He looked over the contract and actually signed it. Xavier is now the proud owner of Lock & Key.”
Andre whistles over the line. “Damn, that's great. I can’t believe he went for it.”
“You want to know the best part?” I ask him, enthusiastically.