“I’m betting you're going to tell me even if I say no,” Andre laughs.
“He agreed to leave Sasha alone.”
The line is silent. Thirty seconds go by before I look at my screen to make sure we haven’t been disconnected. “Hello, Andre? You there?”
“Uh, yeah. I’m here," he replies.
What the heck is this guy's problem? You would think he would be more excited about this news. He didn't seem toohappy to be babysitting Sasha anyway. If Lockhart has agreed to leave her alone, that means she can come back. Andre would be off the hook.
“Andre, man I really thought there would be a little more excitement from you right now. I mean hello, Sasha won’t have to be in your hair anymore and you can get back to doing whatever the hell eligible mafia bachelors do these days.” I laugh at my own joke before realizing Andre is still silent. “Andre?”
He sighs loudly into the phone. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for her to come back yet.”
I set the phone down on my desk and put it on speaker as I pull my legs off and settle them on the ground. Leaning over the phone, I stare at his contact name, a bit confused. “Are you trying to play a joke on me?”
“No Jonathan. No joking. Think about it. I don’t trust Lockhart. Why would he give up Sasha so easily like that?”
I ponder what he says for a second. He’s not wrong. Lockhart is conniving and skeezy. We still don’t have any clue who this mysterious son is. For all we know, he could be anyone close to us. “Well, I mean, I guess I can talk to Xavier. All jokes aside, is Sasha doing okay out there?”
“That woman,” Andre grits out in frustration. “She’s fine. I can handle her out here for a bit longer. I’ll speak to Xavier.”
Just then, Xavier enters my office, whistling. There’s a clear show of happiness on his face. He’s been through so much, it’s about time he got his happy ending.
“Xavier just walked in. I can fill him in,” I say as a crash sounds on Andre’s end.
“What the fuck?” Andre yells. “Fucking scocciatura.” Another crash sounds and we can hear women arguing in the background. Andre must have left his phone wherever he was because he sounds far away. “Listen, Princess,” is all we hear before there is a ton of mumbling. He finally gets back on thephone, sounding thoroughly irritated.
“I have to go. Tell Xavier I’ll speak with him later.”
Xavier and I both bust out laughing when the line goes dead.
“What was that all about?” He asks me.
“Well,” I smile, barely able to hide my enjoyment. “Andre was just informing me about how he thought it better to keep Sasha there a little longer, just in case Lockhart decides to not uphold his end of the deal. I have a feeling whatever was going on is giving him second thoughts.”
Xavier smirks. “I’m honestly more worried about Andre than Sasha at this point. I know she will be safe with him. I’m not sure he will be safe from her, however. Maybe it’s time a woman gives him a run for his money instead of dropping to his feet in hopes of becoming his bride.”
“Fuck if that ain’t the truth. His daddy has been waiting to marry him off for so long now, I’m honestly surprised it’s taking so long. What could possibly be so important that he hasn’t found one he likes yet?”
“Did you forget how picky his dad is? Who knows what weird shit he makes those women do before sending them to Andre.” Xavier looks at me with disgust. We both visibly shutter. I can’t imagine my father, if I had one, picking my future wife for me. Then again, I can’t imagine anyone besides my Pretty Girl becoming my wife, anyway.
“I’m surprising Corrine this weekend with Lock & Key,” Xavier says, drawing me from my thoughts. Thank god too because I almost went down the rabbit hole imagining Kaz naked underneath me and all of the things I want to do to her. I really don’t need to be sporting a raging hard on right now while Xavier is in my office.
“Sounds like fun,” I reply as I discreetly adjust myself.
Xavier catches on and notices what I’m doing. “I’m going to leave you to take care of whatever is going on down there. I just wanted to let you know not to make any plans for the weekend. I want everyone there for the big reveal. It needs to be epic for my Butterfly.”
I roll my eyes before motioning for him to leave with my hand. “Yeah, yeah I'll be there, okay. Now get out of here. I have work to do.”
He laughs as he leaves and I pick my phone back up, fully prepared to send a naughty message to Kaz so I can play out the dirty scenario I started in my head.
Chapter 24
Present Day
I make my way out of the VIP section and down the stairs quietly. I’ve had at least six shots and numerous drinks already tonight, and I’m feeling a bit too tipsy. Besides that, I can’t take any more innuendoes from Jonathan. My phone chimes from my purse, and I roll my eyes. That’s probably him now, asking where I went.