And he then saw she was awake.

“Carmen, get her some water! She’s awake so we need—!” Lamont said.

Liora touched Lamont’s heart and froze him mid-speak. In fact, her touch sent a calm through the suite and Carmen was frozen in mid-turn toward the door. Lamont was awake, but not awake. He was seeing, but not seeing. Liora sat up and slipped around his paralyzed state.

“Charmaine?” Russell said.

At first, Russell had not noticed that everyone stood still in time. Russell wheeled his chair toward her and soon slowed to a stop. His head turned, and he looked at those around him. Carmen was at the door, her hand had not reached for it. The crew of fans who won the latest raffle and were now part of his entourage gathered, watching but remaining too still, unblinking, and frozen. One staff member held a paper, frozen mid-toss towards the desk, while the others paused in their tasks.

“What the fuck is going on?”mumbled Russell.

“Don’t panic Russell. It’s okay,” said Liora.

“What the hell!” Russell said in wonder. “Am I crazy?”

“No. But you may feel I am after I tell you what I am here to say,” said Liora.

“Charmaine?” Russell asked.

“Darlene is in trouble,” said Liora as she moved around a frozen Lamont and approached a scared and confused Russell.

“I—I—I—,” he stammered.

Liora knelt before Russell. She touched his cheek and soothed the panic rising in him. “Did you bring it?”

Russell’s panicked state stabilized. He fell into a seductive trance and nodded.

“Good, that’s because you’re a good brother. Where is it now?” she asked.

“I keep it with me. It’s in my backpack,” said Russell.

“Very good Russell. We are going to go upstairs to the penthouse. You will demand to see your sister. Lucio will try to deny the request. You tell him the truth.”

Russell's eyes welled with tears. Liora could feel him resisting. His nature was to protect his sister secret was strong within him. Especially Darlene’s existence. He told his parents about Darlene when he was a babe, and they freaked out. They took a young Dolly to people who wiped away Darlene. He suffered so much at his tender age of three, not knowing why Darlene was gone, and why Dolly didn’t know she ever existed. So, he found a way to reach her. To heal her. To keep her comforted in her locked away state. And when Darlene rebelled, escaped, attacked a kid in school, or did some mischief that would have gotten Dolly in trouble, Russell found a way to entice her to return to her mental prison, to make Dolly strong enough to push her down.

“You are a good brother, Russell. The very best. Trust Lucio. Okay? He loves her too. We can use that to defend her. Tell him the truth, then you and me go to Dolly and save Darlene.”

Russell nodded.

Liora smiled. She kissed Russell’s forehead and tears slipped from his eyes, but he smiled too. “It’s okay. I’m here now. We will always protect them. Together.”

Russell nodded.

Liora went back to the sofa. She lay in the position that Lamont had placed her. She touched Lamont on the cheek. “You will tell Carmen that everything is okay with me. You will inform everyone that you are taking us to Tristan. No one will stop you. I will release you when you have done this mission. If you resist me, I will not be as kind. Do you understand?”

Lamont nodded.

“Good,” Liora smiled.

In a blink, every moment returned.

Lamont snapped out of it. “Wait! She’s awake. Are you okay?”

Liora sat up, using Charmaine’s terrified voice. “Yes. I guess I got lightheaded.”

“Move! Let me see her!” Russell demanded.

“Sit up. We need to go. I’m taking you both to Tristan,” said Lamont.