He understands the relationship between Darlene and Dolly. He’s always restored balance when Darlene escaped the mental shackles Dolly imprisoned her in. Since he was three years old, he has maintained the balance between the sisters. It is a heavy toll on a mortal, let alone someone like Russell, but he is the true Guardian when it comes to the sisters. No one loves or trusts him more than the sisters do.
“That’s not what the First People told us,” said Charmaine.
Those women you met, who filled you with fear and knowledge, aren’t the First People. I can’t explain further. With each passing minute, the sick and demented Vittorio slithers closer to the girls. Even in his diminished state, he could detect them. If he does, it is game over.
“I understand. What is it that we need to do? How do you take me over? What happens? That’s what I don’t understand,” Charmaine said.
Before we join, there is a sadness I have to give you.
“Sadness? What do you mean?” Charmaine asked.
I must leave you here in this realm.
“Realm? Here?” Charmaine glanced around at the darkness. “No! I can’t stay here! I’m claustrophobic!”
Charmaine stopped retreating, unable to move. She was frozen to the spot against her will.
This is why Kaida and I haven’t been present. We don’t want to force this on you or Sonya. If thereis harmony between us, then there is no darkness or sadness, we exist as one. But you reject that harmony, you fear it. Only you can determine when you’re ready to accept me fully.
“Can you put me to sleep? Like before?” Charmaine voice quivered.
There’s no time. I’m sorry. When Russell helps heal the sisters, and they wake you will need to be their friend. No matter who wakes, pretend not to know the truth. Don’t leave their side, no matter what Lucio says to you.
“I’m staying at the hotel with Nzinga and Sonya. We agreed to plan our next move together,” Charmaine reasoned.
You can’t go back to the hotel once you meet the master vampire. Lucio will sense something different about you immediately. Focus on Tristan to keep Lucio from discovering me. Let him be the distraction even if he doesn’t mean to be.
“But what about Sonya? She’s alone,” Charmaine said.
Sonya will be fine. She’ll learn her lessons and join you.
“And Nzinga? She’s hurt and alone,” Charmaine stalled.
We don’t need Nzinga anymore. Her healing will be slow, but it’s a lesson. Now, time is up.
“Wait! I’m not ready?—”
Yes, you are. You are Charmaine, daughter of Clifford and Stacey Dillon, sister of Amelia, Carrie, and Celeste. You are a healer, a friend. I believe in you.
Charmaine relaxed, and tears slipped from her eyes. Liora embraced her, and Charmaine felt warmth and care as she had never before. It was a fleeting feeling when the floor beneath her opened and she sank into the darkness, screaming.
Chapter 14
Danger Zone Pt 2
Bellagio - Las Vegas, Nevada
April 17, 2018
(4 Days Before Death)
“Is she okay!”Russell shouted.
Lamont lifted Charmaine off the floor. He had brawny arms. He carried her to the sofa in the suite in a gallant manner.Liora opened her eyes at the protective shield Lamont unknowingly covered her with.She blinked twice and focused on the black man with the regal features who protected her. She was placed on the sofa with gentle care, and that moment of contact for Liora revealed plenty.
The Master Vampire Lucio selected Lamont for his light, which resembled the light in Tristan. These men would have been man servants and mates to the Guardians, but equal in their warrior power as defenders of the realm. Lamont had lived many lives. He had in other realms battled for the light against darkness, and though he did not know it, he was of a pure heart.