“This is strictly a business arrangement. I’ll go with youto your mom’s birthday and wherever else you need, given that you provide me with plenty of notice. I don’t like surprises, so no last-minute crap. And when we’re alone, the act is over. You do your thing, I do mine.”
“Strictly business.” He confirms. “But we will have to make an effort to get to know more about each other to make our relationship convincing.”
“Fine. Also, instead of three months, I get to stay until you get back from your mission. That will give me time to build up my clientele and save for a new living arrangement.”
“And that will save me from having to pay someone to stop by to check on the house. Do you do yard work too?”
“Yard... work?” I’ve lived in apartments my whole life.
My face must say it all as he twists his mouth to the side, and it looks like he’s trying to suppress a smile. “Never mind. Anything else?”
“My parents can’t know anything about this. They’d think I’ve lost my mind. It shouldn’t be a problem since they’ll be traveling out of town, but I don’t know... Try not to yell loud when you’re watching sports in case I’m on the phone with them.”
“No problem. And I have a condition of my own.”
“And that would be?”
“You keep at least five feet away when I have a cup of coffee in my hands.” At this he doesn’t hide his smile, and I grit my teeth, partly in irritation, partly to hold back my answering grin.
Before I can respond, the saxophonist speaks into the mic. “All right, y’all, it’s time for the countdown. Grab someone special and let’s get this new year started right.”
“My favorite part of the night,” Lance says from beside us, and I almost jump out of my skin.
Camille is standing with him, and I wonder if they were hiding out of sight, waiting for the perfect moment to pop out. If that’s the case, did they overhear Vincent and me making our bargain?
Looking at them, I realize my fears are unfounded. Neither of the two seems concerned or like they’re about to bust out some high-beam flashlights and yellGotcha!Instead, Lance hauls Camille close. “Get ready, woman, because I’m about to lay it on ya.” He looks at Vincent and me. “Now this is how you ring in the new year.”
Vincent imitates Lance, wrapping his arm around my waist. “You got that right.”
Oh Lord. How bad will it look if Vincent and I ditch before the countdown is over? The night wasn’t supposed to last this long or go this far, but our whole charade will be over before we can truly get started if we bail. I’ll have to kiss him.
The countdown begins.“Ten... nine...”
I raise my eyes to Vincent and find him watching me. “This okay?” he asks quietly.
I nod. It’s one kiss. What harm will it do?
“One. Happy New Year!”
With the first notes of “1999” by Prince, as champagne bottles pop, couples embrace all around, and fireworks crackle overhead, Vincent and I lean into each other.
Instead of the quick peck-and-scram I was anticipating, Vincent’s lips linger over mine. They’re soft and warm, and the taste of our ice cream from earlier is much, much sweeter when coming from them. He presses into me once. Then twice. And on the third, I part my lips, allowing the kiss to deepen. Allowing my arms to wind around his neck as he pulls me against his hard frame. Allowing myself toget lost in something other than surviving and thinking about the future, if only for a moment.
When the kiss ends, I fight to catch my breath. That was no ordinary kiss. It was both sweet and scorching. Toe-curling. Over way too soon.
“Happy New Year!” Camille shouts. Her lipstick is smeared, but she’s smiling without a care in the world.
I touch my lips, wondering if they have that same just-kissed-silly fullness. “Happy New Year.”
“Happy New Year,” Vincent says to everyone, then lower so only I can hear, “You’ve got a deal.”
Shivers race down my spine. That damn silky voice. Those damn full lips. They’re stained with a tinge of red from the transfer of my lipstick, and he sweeps his tongue across them like he’s savoring the last taste of a delicious dessert.
He meets my gaze with hooded eyes, and I could easily fall into those dark depths. At the very least, be persuaded into spending a full night with him. And I’ve just committed to living with him for the foreseeable future.
Chapter Eight