Page 22 of The Kiss Countdown

I should’ve known the only way to get you out here on time was to do something juicy enough you’d be dying to hear about it,” I say, shaking my head as I walk up to Gina, who is leaning on a large water fountain. Dog Mack is with her, already straining against his purple-and-white-gingham leash in an attempt to reach me. The only time I get to see the adorable rescue lab is outside where the fresh air helps keep my allergies in check.

After the party (as in 1:15 in the morning, when I was already snuggled in bed), Gina sent a text asking where and what time I was taking my morning walk. I told her the name of the park and decided to come ten minutes late so I wouldn’t have to wait around. It seems, however, I underestimated how nosy she is.

“And now for something amazing,” Gina says in a dramatic hush, adopting a bad Australian accent, with her phone up to her mouth like a microphone. “After what had to be a grueling hibernation, we now witness the reemergence of the stunning Amerie Price.”

“What are you doing?”

“Just what will we learn about her first night back in the wild? Did she go big with a midnight kiss? Did she get lucky with a midnight fu—”

“Would you stop?” I look around to make sure no one is paying attention to Gina’s foolishness. “Why do you act like this?”

“Like what?” she says, stretching her legs.

I narrow my eyes. “You know exactly what.”

“You know you love me. Now, tell me how your date went.”

“It wasn’t a date.” I start walking and Gina follows. “And it was fine. Fun even, if you can believe it.”

“Oh, I believe it. You two have sizzling chemistry. Him fire, you ice.” Gina nods. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Wait, did you just call me cold-hearted?”

“You know what I mean. Did you kiss him?”

I try to keep a straight face, but Gina sees right through me, and her eyes grow big. “Oh my God. You did!”

“His sister was right there when midnight rolled around, and we had to play the part. What else was I supposed to do?”

“Exactly that. You were supposed to do exactly that. And I bet the kiss was out of this world.” Gina pauses and smirks. “You see what I did there? ‘Out of this world’ because he’s an astronaut?”

I smother a smile. “Yes. I get it.”

Gina giggles, bumping her shoulder against mine. “Now tell me honestly, what did you think of him?”

“Honestly? He wasn’t what I expected. When he’s not getting under my skin with impromptu science lessons, he’s not so bad.”

Truth be told, everything about my night with Vincent surprised me. Sure, before he came to pick me up, I wanted to stay home knowing I’d do nothing but wallow in self-pity. But once I stepped one heel on that rooftop, slipping into party mode and playing his better half felt as easy asslipping into my favorite pair of leggings. And I think, Ihope, it’s a sign that this outrageous plan we’ve concocted will work.

“Can you see yourself going out with him again?” Gina asks.

Just before a speed walker reaches us, I say, “I’m actually moving in with him,” then move to the side before casually continuing my stroll.

The speed walker moves on, and it’s only once Mack starts whining that Gina begins walking again. Hurried footsteps and panting quickly close in on me before she’s at my side again. “I’m not going to ask if you’re serious, because you wouldn’t be able to pull off a joke like that.”

“Hey! I can pull off jokes.”

“Of course you can,” she says placatingly, and I give her a side-eye. “I’m just at a loss for words. I’m speechless. Dumbfounded. Flabbergasted. Bamboozled.”

“You’re shocked, I get it.”

“Mimi, what is going on? This is totally unlike you.”

I sigh. “I know, but I need a place to stay. As much as I miss our college days rooming together, you don’t have the space, and I can’t be around Mack for too long. And it can’t be with Mom and Dad since they have their renters.” I don’t tell her about the hospital bill, knowing she’d definitely say I need to tell my parents about it. “Vincent is letting me move in,rent-free, while I work everything out.”

“Rent-free?” Gina looks me up and down. “And just what is he getting in return?”

“You know better than that. I’m going to continue playing his girlfriend in front of his family. That’s it.”