Page 57 of Something Cheeky

“Here are her keys. Don’t get lost, okay?” TJ handed him a car fob on a comedy-tragedy keychain. It was the one Derek had given her as a gag gift their sophomore year. He couldn’t believe she’d kept it all these years.

“Ha ha,” Derek said sarcastically. “That was only one time.”

“You know, I’d feel better if you took her back to your place.”

“What? I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“How many drinks did you have?”

“Two? Maybe three?”

“Oh hell no, you’re not driving either.” TJ tapped his foot as he thought of a better solution.

“How about I bring her back to my place for some coffee?” Derek suggested. “When she’s more awake, I’ll call her a rideshare.”

“Perf. Thanks for taking care of my girl. Now I’m going to take care of me and some royalty.” TJ winked and dashed off to join Danny and the rest of the group to walk home.

“Come on, let’s get you some coffee,” Derek said as he helped her stand up.

“Coffee sounds amazing right now,” Zoe muttered as she wrapped her arm around his waist to steady herself.

Once again he found himself close enough to kiss her. Not that he would, considering her state. Zoe leaned into him as he led the way back to his apartment. She smelled of fried food and lavender.

Maybe the caffeine would wake her up enough so they could talk. He’d promised both Th?o and Katie Mai he would. They were right. He’d been living in limbo for too long.

“How the tables have turned,” Derek whispered and chuckled.

Zoe had always been the tough one who didn’t ask for help. He had to jump in and do things for her so she didn’t burn out. Fora younger sibling, she had major first child overachiever vibes. Often, she’d been the one who took care of him during college.

“I dragged your drunk ass back to our apartment so many times, I lost count.”

“Eventually I got smart and we held the parties at our place.”

They’d moved out of the dorm and into CNY’s apartments their last year.

“Sorry I don’t have any condensed milk.”

“Dump a bunch of sugar in it,” Zoe muttered with her eyes closed. She was stretched out like a Renaissance painter’s muse. Except she wasn’t naked. He reminded himself to focus on her and not how great her breasts were in that dress.

“You look better,” Derek said. The walk back to his apartment had cleared her head. Her eyes were brighter and her face was less flushed.

“Those drinks snuck up on me.” She groaned.

“How much is a bunch?” He held up a bowl stuffed with sugar packets. Thankfully Prestige Rep’s company manager had stocked his apartment with all the basics, including coffee and its accompaniments.

She lifted her head high enough to look at him over the edge of the couch. She squinted at him then held up five fingers.

“Five? For this size mug?” He held up the small, white mug with “Keep Calm and Break a Leg” printed on it. Every mug in the cabinet was theater-themed. For himself, he chose one that read “Prop” in bright yellow letters.

“I literally do not have the executive function to make decisions right now. Surprise me.”

“Your sweet tooth gets the munchies when you’re drunk? That’s a new one.” He laughed and tore open five packets before sticking the mug under the pod coffeemaker.

“If I hadn’t stayed up all night regretting my life choices, it would take more than two cocktails to knock me off my feet,” she said before clapping her hand over her mouth.

Derek’s hand tightened around the spoon, which was pointed into the air. Right. He couldn’t avoid talking about their kiss from the previous night. His chest constricted and he tried to take a deep breath. He had to push past his fear and get this will-she-or-won’t-she over with.

There was no such thing as the perfect time. The machine shot its final burst of coffee into the mug. He added a splash of half-and-half. He could feel the spoon scraping the mound of sugar he’d tossed into her mug.