“Are you and Katie dating?” Zoe asked, breaking the awkward silence hanging between them.
He dropped the spoon. It clattered against the side of the mug. The coffee continued to swirl. Whether he was ready or not, Zoe had opened the door.
“No,” he replied quickly.
“Sleeping together?” Her voice rose as she pulled herself up to sitting.
“What? Hell, no.”
“Have you ever wanted to?” she asked softly, as if she were afraid of his answer.
“Why would you ask that?” He picked up the spoon and stirred with hyper focus so his body language wouldn’t reveal his anxiety about her line of questioning.
“You two seem, I don’t know, tight,” she said as she shrugged.
He wasn’t convinced that the sugar could completely dissolve in such a high ratio of sweetener to coffee. Derek gave up stirring and hiding his feelings. He handed Zoe the mug. She wrapped her hands around it. Her face lit up as she inhaled the dark, chocolatey fragrance.
“We’re friends, and her heart belongs to someone else.”
“Oh.” There was genuine surprise on her face. She avoided his eyes by sipping her coffee.
Derek scoffed. That’s what Zoe had been worried about? She thought that he and— Katie Mai would have a field day when she found out.
“So you’re not even slightly interested? She’s beautiful, smart, and funny.” Zoe was puzzled, maybe even confused. Was she jealous?
He had no idea where she’d gotten the idea from but Zoe had gotten things all wrong. His heart pounded as he sat down across from her. He set his mug down without drinking from it.
Derek looked into her dark brown eyes. She tilted her head at his serious expression.
Time to blow up four years of friendship. Ten if you added the six years they’d spent estranged.
“Zoe, the only woman I’m interested in is you,” he said quickly before he lost his nerve.
Derek exhaled loudly. He’d told her and he didn’t die. Relief flooded his body. The room felt brighter. He hadn’t realized how holding this in had kept him on edge for so long.
Zoe opened her mouth and closed it. She blinked rapidly.
“The only woman I’ve ever wanted to be with is you,” he repeated with more conviction this time. “Z, I’ve wanted you since freshman year.”
Chapter 26
“Freshman year?” Zoe repeated as shock rippled through her. She sat up straight, wide-awake. Whatever effects still lingered from her two drinks had completely disappeared.
He nodded and gave a small, slightly embarrassed smile.
“And you’re telling me now while I’m in the middle of the toughest job I’ve ever had?” She waved her hands in either disbelief or shock—she didn’t know which.
“I almost told you so many times, Zoe.” He picked up his coffee and sipped it. He leaned back in the armchair and crossed his legs. How was he so relaxed after dropping a major confession on her?
“When? Where? How many?” She replayed their past two weeks together but all she could focus on was last night, when she’d stepped across the boundary of their friendship.
“Since I’ve been in DC, um, maybe three or four?” He listed all the times they’d been together alone, starting with their impromptu taco picnic.
“I’m a fucking idiot. How did I miss the signs?” She sighed and rubbed her forehead.
“You’ve been stressed. I didn’t want to add to it,” he said with his usual kindness.
“And last night when you kissed me back?”