Zoe had wanted to talk to her roommate after the meet and greet, but Trixie had to get back to her shop for the afternoon.
“You can’t skip out on our first cast-and-crew happy hour!” TJ protested.
“Everyone’s so nice. It feels good to be around people who understand you implicitly,” Zoe conceded.
“And not worry someone will accidentally make a racist joke,” TJ added. “There’s a reason I left rural North Carolina. You don’t see too many gaysians there.”
Zoe snorted.
“I’d say California is the mecca for gay Asians, but there’s plenty in the DMV,” Zoe concurred.
“I dragged you here to have funandbe my wing woman tonight,” reminded TJ.
“Why not Th?o? You two hung out last night.”
“She was such a downer last night,” TJ whispered. “Don’t tell her I said that.”
Zoe glanced over to the half-circle booth a few tables from them. The seating was large enough for them to spread out, but Th?o and Derek had made a Katie Mai sandwich. What secrets were they discussing that made them put their heads so closely together?
“What do you think is going on there?” Zoe asked.
“Are you jealous?”
“No,” she replied too quickly.
TJ raised an eyebrow.
“Except for the intro this morning, he hasn’t talked to me today.”
“Did you really expect him to after last night?” TJ asked.
Zoe sighed. Derek had every right to be upset.
“He could’ve texted during rehearsal breaks.” Zoe hated that she was being childish, but all these new feelings had thrown her off balance.
“Youcould have texted him,” TJ pointed out.
“And say what? Sorry I embarrassed myself by kissing you, then kicking you out of my apartment. But maybe I have feelings for you and I think you do for me, too?” Zoe rolled her eyes.
“Honest, if a bit rambly. So you’re gonna sit here by yourself and mope while I get Danny’s digits?” TJ put a hand on his hip.
“I’ll be fine.” Zoe didn’t sound convincing even to herself.
He gave her a skeptical look but snuck a glance at the actors hanging out by the bar.
“Go,” she insisted. “I’ll get myself another drink.”
“Relax and maybe you’ll find a hottie to go home with tonight. Then I won’t feel so bad if I leave with the Emperor.”
“You know I don’t do one-night stands.” Zoe shuddered at the idea of hooking up with a complete stranger.
“You demisexuals are so prickly,” he teased. “Good thing you have a decent collection of vibrators.”
“Keep your voice down! Not everyone needs to hear what’s in my bedside drawer.” She pushed him out of his chair. “Go flirt and let me be broody.”
“You do you, babe.” He kissed her on the cheek and practically skipped over to Danny.
She’d nurse one last cocktail to make sure TJ had a ride back to his apartment before heading home to check on Mr. Bobbins. Maybe she’d even cozy up to her well-curated collection of sex toys. It was one of the perks of having a sex educator as her roommate.