Page 55 of Something Cheeky

If Derek no longer wanted to talk to her after last night, then it was his right. She’d made everything awkward between them. Maybe she needed time to—

“Hey, mind if I sit here?” Katie Mai tucked her hair behind her ear and grinned at Zoe. “I brought you a rum punch. Derek says it’s one of your favorites.”

The actress set two glasses on the table. Zoe hadn’t been able to flag anyone down, so why waste a perfectly good rum punch? Zoe invited her to sit down.

“He’s right. What brings you over this way?” Zoe asked. “You three seemed comfortable over there.”

“Oh no, they started talking shop. Something about chord progression and repeating a theme? My brain is too tired to follow the conversation.” Katie Mai laughed.

“It’s been a long day for everyone,” Zoe agreed. She herself was running on very little sleep. “I’ll probably head out soon.”

Katie Mai’s face fell, but she quickly covered it up with a nervous grin.

“I’m glad I caught you then.” She fiddled with the string of her braided red bracelet.

“Everything okay?” Zoe sat up, her stomach swirling. Maybe Katie Mai wanted advice on dating Derek. It was obvious from this morning’s meet and greet that the two had a connection.

“This is going to sound super fangirl, but I’ve heard so much about your designs and Something Cheeky. When Derek told me you were designing our costumes, I squealed.” Katie Mai spoke quickly as if she’d been holding it in all day.

“Oh, thank you.” Zoe let out a sigh of relief. She wasn’t sure enough about her feelings about Derek that she’d fight another woman for him. Not that he was some prize to be won.

“I wanted to tell you earlier, but Heather rushed us away to get our paperwork finalized. I can’t disobey the stage manager on my first day.”

“Heather’s sweet but a stickler for staying on task, especially during our virtual production meetings.” Zoe had dreaded the calls at first, but the stage manager was one of the best people wranglers she’d ever met. She wasn’t afraid to cut someone off if they went over their allotted time.

“That’s how she was today during our first rehearsal. I’m a little scared of her,” Katie Mai stage-whispered and shuddered dramatically while looking at the bar, where the stage manager was sitting.

Zoe smiled for the first time since arriving at the pub. Katie Mai was growing on her. The only reason Zoe had to dislike her was the actress was possibly dating Derek. But it would be too cliché for her to sleep with her director. Katie Mai didn’t seem like that kind of person.

No, the actress was genuinely kind. Zoe caught no hint of underlying motives from Katie Mai. Perhaps in a different situation, the two of them would be good friends. She might as well take advantage of the moment to learn if Derek and the actress had a history outside of their professional one.

“You’re welcome to stop by the boutique anytime. I’ll let my staff know to offer you the friends and family discount,” Zoe found herself saying. She could hear Josie’s voice in her head about randomly handing out deals, but it was too late to take it back. Asmaller profit margin on a few pieces could be worth it, depending on the intel Katie Mai let slip.

“Really? Oh my God, I can’t wait!” Katie Mai hugged her. “I’m sorry, I’m a big hugger. I should’ve asked.”

“It’s okay. I don’t mind.” Zoe picked up her drink. “How about a toast?”

“To this show and to new beginnings,” the actress said as they clinked their glasses.

The rum punch was cold, strong, and delicious. Not bad for an Irish pub in DC.

“So what’s going on between you and Derek?” Katie Mai asked.

Zoe spit out her drink. She grabbed some leftover napkins and wiped the table.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to ambush you.”

“Why would you think there’s something going on?” Zoe asked cautiously.

“I’ve known Derek for only a few years, but he’s talked about you nonstop.”

“All good, I hope.”

“He adores you, Zoe.” Katie’s eyes narrowed as she turned to face Zoe. “I need to know what your intentions are toward Derek.”

“Intentions?” Zoe laughed. “Like in a historical romance? Derek is no wallflower.”

“Oh God, that sounded super cheesy, didn’t it?” Katie chuckled. “Maybe I’ve had too many drinks.”