He lifted his head. “The unbeliever is advising me on God’s nature?”
She freed his hand. “I know there’s a God. I’m just reluctant to trust him after the things he let me go through.”
“I wish you could see yourself the way I do. Those struggles you’ve endured have made you strong. A warrior really. You’ve been able to stand on your own and forge your course. That’s remarkable when you think about the challenges you’ve overcome to do it. I believe God was loving you, steering you, even when you didn’t sense him there.”
“Why would you say that?”
“Because I prayed for him to be with you all these years.”
Her eyes filled with tears again. She’d blamed him, raged inside at his betrayal. Yet he’d kept her in his heart and had prayed for her. Was he right? Had God been there waiting for her to hear his voice, sense his love for her? She wanted to believe that, but something in her warred with lowering her guard enough to accept it.
“Thank you for praying.” She rose. “I’m going to grab my computer and try to find Kent’s brother. Do you know where he lives?” Ignoring the disappointment in his face, she rushed inside and grabbed her laptop from the bedroom before rejoining him.
She plopped beside him again and opened her laptop. “What’s his name? I’ll check socials first.”
“Clark Reynolds.”
Her fingers paused. “You’re kidding. Clark and Kent for twins?”
He grinned. “Kent said his dad was a huge Superman fan. The twins always liked it.”
She resumed her search. “This has to be him. Superman Clark Reynolds.” She turned the laptop around for Blake to see the guy’s picture.
His gaze clung hungrily to the photo. “That’s him. He and Kent were identical.”
She went back to the profile. “He lives in Mobile.”
“They were originally from Indiana. The last I heard Clark was in Atlanta.”
“Well, he’s right down the road now. He could be behind all this. I think we need to talk to him. You game?”
Blake’s nod was slow in coming. “I should do it alone in case he pulls a gun. I don’t want you in harm’s way.”
“You’re not going alone, and that’s final. Tomorrow is Sunday. Let’s go after church.”
“You going with us tomorrow?”
She hesitated before giving her own slow nod. “If you prayed for me all this time, I think I’d better say thank you.”
What had she just gotten herself into?
The aroma of fried chicken made Paradise’s mouth water. “I’ll go help your mom with dinner. I’m a little sore but I’m feeling much better.” She stopped and tipped her head to one side. “Have you seen the boys? They sure are quiet.”
Blake frowned and leaped up. “That’s never a good sign.”
She followed him inside where they found Jenna, face red and perspiring, standing at the stove flipping chicken in the skillet. “Dinner will be done in a few. You might get the boys to wash their hands.”
“Where are they? I haven’t heard a peep,” Blake said.
“Still in their room.”
Paradise went to the wall of cabinets while Blake left the room. “I’ll set the table while Blake grabs the boys.”
Jenna shook her head. “You just got clocked by an iron, Paradise. You’re supposed to be resting.”
“The lavender made me good as new.” She touched the lump on her face. “Well, except for my face.”