Page 77 of Enraged

“I have had my phone off,” I explained. “I just didn’t want to relive it over and over again.”

Mama nodded sympathetically. “I understand, honey. She said she would check in on you later.”

“Lee, did I tell you Milkshake had her calf?” My daddy deliberately changed the subject.

Thanks, Dad.

“No, sir! I want to see it when we are done eatin’!”

He smiled. He had never admitted it, but I knew he enjoyed that I loved our animals as much as he did.

“You have to put clothes on first because it’s cold, but we can go after that.”

Smiling, I took a bite of my omelet.

I’ve missed my mama’s cookin’.

Eating at that farmer’s speed, Dad finished before me. “I’m gonna go call Jim at Miles. Go change when you finish, and we will go see Milkshake.”

With a mouthful of bacon, I gave him a thumbs up.

Cassie may have Jace and Dakota, but I’ve got a baby cow.


Dedric popped his head into my office. “Check off inspection is done, Lieu. One of the air packs needed a new cylinder but I replaced it.”

I looked up from my paperwork. “Good work, Rook. Make sure you fill out a report and date it.”

“Yes, sir.” He left the doorway.

It’s good to be back at work.

I checked my phone for the fifteenth time.


I had spent the afternoon catching up on paperwork and trying to decipher texts from Lena. Unlocking the phone, I opened our text feed. After rereading them yet again, I still couldn’t figure out her tone.

My list of obligations? The fuck does she even mean by that?

“I was kinda excited to take her to get it,” I mumbled to myself.

“You talkin’ to yourself, Lieu?” Zeke teased.

“Reckon I was,” I admitted. “What’s up, bud?”

“I was just checkin’ in on you.” He shuffled his feet awkwardly. “I know all of this has been tough.”

Even tougher when you can’t decode someone’s texts.

“It’s…interesting. Cassie is moving her stuff all the way out today.”

He looked surprised. “Damn, brother. No chance of reconciling?”

I shook my head firmly. “Not a one.”

He nodded sympathetically. “Can’t say I blame you. Too many out there to stay with one you can’t trust.”