Page 78 of Enraged

I looked down at my phone.

Or one that sends confusing ass text messages.

The station bell rang, and we both paused for the radio transmission.

“Battalion 1, Engine 11…”

I jumped up from my desk.

“Respond to 505 Landon Lake Circle for a possible structure fire. Caller advised smoke coming from front windows.”

The five of us dressed quickly. “Ben, put us en route!” He keyed up his lapel mic.

As we hauled ass out of the bay, Zeke switched on the Q siren. Turning to face the back, I began calling out assignments. “Ben, you’re on the nozzle. Rook, you catch the hydrant, Zeke, Carter, y’all are with me on the search team. Everybody is goin’ home, repeat it.”

“Everybody is goin’ home,” they repeated in unison.

Zeke pulled the apparatus into a smoky neighborhood. I grabbed the truck’s radio mic, ready to alert dispatch as I scanned the numerics. “This is 501…503…505, there it is!”

I keyed up the mic. “Battalion 1, Engine 11 on scene, working structure fire with smoke showing, Battalion 1 establishing command.”My team and I piled out of the truck.

The neighbors had gathered in the front yard. “Anyone know of any occupants?” I asked. A big, burly man spoke up, “The man and woman are both at work, but they have two dogs.”

“Zeke, Carter, let’s set up or an interior attack, possible pets inside, go!” I barked. Putting on my air mask, I double checked my PASS alarm. “Let’s go, y’all.”

I fuckin’ love this job.


“What are you gonna name her?” my dad asked me as I cradled the adorable calf.

“She’s a week old! Mama hasn’t already named her?”

He continued raking the hay out in Milkshake’s pen. “No, ma’am, Charlie Girl wanted to leave it up to you. She knows how much you love namin’ ‘em.”

I do love namin’ my babies.

“What about…,” I began. “Milkdud.”


“Yes, sir,” I proclaimed proudly.

“I like it. It suits her.”

I cradled the baby cow’s head. “Welcome to the family, Milkdud.”

Across the pen, I caught my daddy smiling. “Why’re you lookin’ like the cat that caught the canary?” I teased him. Putting down the rake, he walked over to me and Milkdud.

“I’m just glad you’re home, Lee Lee,” he spoke softly. “I wish it wasn’t under these circumstances but I worry about you when you’re not here.”

Bless his heart.

“I know you do…but you know that whether I’m here, at Jace’s, or in my own place, I’m always gonna come home.”

He nodded. “I know it, but a dad is always gonna worry unless he has his eyes on you.”

“Did you worry about me when I was at Jace’s?” I asked curiously.