He was talkin’ to you, dumbass.
“One day at a time.”
“I heard that. Holler if you need anything!” He fist bumped me.
“Will do. Thanks, man.”
I found the chief in the station’s kitchen chopping up peppers to put in his chili.
“DK! I didn’t know you were back. How are ya, kid?”
“Good, good, Chief. I just needed to talk to you a minute.”
He scraped the diced peppers into a pot of sauce.
“I’m always here to listen, but you know I can’t choose sides between two of my best guys. I don’t agree with what Jace did at all and I’m going to tell him my piece when I see him, but I won’t get involved beyond so long as you two don’t do anything stupid.”
Well, it might be a little too late for that.
“I understand that. I just wanted to let you know it won’t affect me on the job. I know Reynolds was supposed to move from B Shift to my rotation next week.”
He looked surprised. “I was just goin’ to leave him where he was at for now. I know you are both professionals, but it just seemed like the best option right this minute with everything goin’ on.”
“I think I can speak for both of us when I say that we won’t allow any of this to impact our professional relationship.”
He nodded slowly. “I’ll think on it and speak to Jace when he comes back.”
I absentmindedly stirred the chili. “Yes, sir.”
He began chopping jalapenos. “How is Lena doin’?”
I exhaled. “She’s okay, I think. Back at her parents.”
“I imagine Brett is relieved to have her home.”
“I’m sure he is. Speakin’ of that, I gotta head over there now. I picked up her stuff from Jace’s and I need to drop it off.”
“Tell her I asked about her, will ya? Tell her she better not be a stranger around here now. This will all sort itself out in the wash.”
“I’ll tell her, Chief.”
After telling him I’d be back tomorrow for my shift, I headed to Lena’s house.
“Lee Lee?” Mama shook me gently.
I opened one eye to squint at her.
“Dakota is downstairs,” she spoke gently.
“Actually, Dakota is upstairs,” he called out from the doorway. “Mr. B gave me permission!”
Mama and I both laughed.
It was a well-established rule in our teens that boys were not allowed upstairs for any reason. Because both Jace and Dakota knew better than to test my daddy so neither of them have ever been in my room.
I yawned. “Hey, Dak.”