“Hey, Lena Loo!” He greeted me cheerfully. “I have your stuff.”
“You went to Jace’s and got her things?” Mama questioned him.
“Yes, ma’am. She said she didn’t want to see him, so I told her I’d go.”
Mama patted his arm appreciatively. “Thanks, Dakota. You likely saved Ole Brett from an assault charge.”
Dak laughed. “It was no trouble at all.”
Mama walked out into the hallway. “Y’all behave… or don’t.”
That’s subtle, Mama.
I rolled over in bed to face him.
“Hey buddy.”
“Hey pal,” he responded, sitting down on the edge of my bed.
“Uh oh, Brett gonna get yo’ ass for bein’ on my bed,” I teased.
“I’ll take my chances.” He kicked back against my headboard. “I see you actually listened.”
I did?
“If I did, it was purely by accident,” I assured him.
He rolled his eyes. “You took a nap.”
“Oh yeah, I did. Felt great, too.”
He smiled. “I’m glad to hear it. I still haven’t even showered yet.”
What has he been doin’ all day?
“Damn, it must have taken awhile to grab my stuff. I’m sorry,” I apologized.
He shook his head. “Nah, it only took about thirty minutes. He had it all packed up in totes.”
How considerate.
“I’m kinda shocked. I didn’t expect either of them to do what you asked.”
“Well, you’re half right.”
You can’t be half right. You’re either right or you’re wrong.
“Half right, how?”
“After I got finished at Jace’s house, I went home…” he trailed off. “Cassie was at the house.”
Ahh, half right about them listening.
“Still packin’ her stuff up?”
He ran his fingers through his hair. “Not exactly.”
“She hadn’t packed? Was she hopin’ you had changed your mind and decided to let her stay?”