"Keep her out of our business, Noah… don’t give me a reason to get involved…"
George's words of warning drifted into my mind but right at this moment I couldn’t have cared less. Every fiber inside of my body demanded I let that girl get all up in my business.
"Let's make her feel at home," Mr. Shaw announced. "Teagan, you can take a seat in the front – yes, next to Layla."
Teagan didn’t move.
She didn’t take her eyes off my face and I seriously hoped she would because if she continued to look at me with those fucking amazing eyes, all pissy and cute, I was going to have to do something about it.
George was right about one thing. Teaganwasa brat. A sinfully sexy and audaciously sassy brat…
"That's her," Tommy hissed as he nudged me with his elbow. "Shit, that's her, dude, the transplant."
Teagan, noticing the douche beside me, snapped out of her trance, shook her head and took her seat at the front of class.
"I have eyes," I snapped, shoving him back. I normally wasn’t possessive guy – I'd never cared enough about a female – and I didn’t care about her, but I wanted him and every other guy to stop fucking looking at her like she was a buffet. No, Ineededthem to stop looking at her or I was going to flip the fuck out.
Tommy fell sideways off his chair and landed on the floor. "You dick," he chuckled, rubbing his arm. "I'm sensitive."
I shook my head as I studied all six feet of the muscular –sensitive– varsity receiver.
Of course the class and Mr. Shaw turned around at the commotion.
Sheturned around in her seat and glanced at me again, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand.
Tommy rose to his feet and grinned. "Sorry, Mr. Shaw," he said with a smirk. "But I think I'm falling for her Irish charm already."
The class erupted into a mixture of giggles and wolf-whistles, but Teagan didn’t take her eyes off mine.
"Forget it, T," I told him as I kept her stare. "She's not for you."
Okay, so I'd watched tons of movies set in American high-schools and I'd read dozens of books, but none of those films or books had prepared me for this…alternate universe.
Back home in Ireland where I came from, at the very most four or five hundred students filled the halls of most secondary schools. But here? I'd never seen the likes of it. At least eighteen hundred students roamed the halls of Jefferson High.
Moving halfway across the world had certainly been a huge lesson in cultural differences.
Three hours in and I begrudgingly had to admit that high-school wasn't as bad as I had initially thought it would be.
Aside from that one uncomfortable class I shared with Noah I only received the odd stare here and there in the hallways – most of the students were wrapped up in their own problems.
I prayed it was only one class that Noah and I shared because there was something about the guy that completely unnerved me. He was intense. The way his eyes burned into mine…
"Hey." A tall, bubbly brunette with a wild head of curls stepped in front of me on my way out of History, distracting me from my thoughts, and I had to crane my neck up to see her face.
"I saw you talking with my mom this morning," she told me with a smile. "I meant to say hey then, but I was busy trying to drag Colton out of my closet."
She smiled, revealing a set pearly white straight teeth, and the clearest blue eyes I'd ever seen. "You're Teagan, right?" she asked as she shifted her books to her side.
"Yeah, and you're Hope?" It wasn't really a question. It was pretty obvious from the dark hair, blue eyes and dimples that she was a Carter.
God, they had some good genes…
"The one and only," she chuckled as she fell into step with me. "What's your next class?"