"I've have P.E – gym class." I told her as we strolled out of the classroom. I removed my timetable from my pocket and handed it to her.
"Sweet," she said as she gazed down at the piece of paper. "Looks like we're in a few classes together. So how's your first day going, Teagan?"
"So far it's been pretty uneventful," I told her drolly, blocking out the image of Noah staring at me with those intense brown eyes.
My gaze fell on a group of girls who were staring at us as we walked past. "But ask me again at the end of the day."
"No doubt," Hope chuckled as we descended the staircase to the ground floor. I had to step behind Hope at one point because the staircase was so jammers with other students.
"You made quite the impression on my brothers," Hope added as we made our way through the main hallway towards the exit. "Colton's particularly smitten – he practically talked my ear off on the way to school, rambling on about you."
"I bet seeing my ass helped sway their opinion," I replied dryly, remembering how close to naked I'd been when I met her brothers.
I told Hope about the street fight last weekend and how I'd met her father and brothers. When I mentioned I'd met her uncle Hope had glared silently ahead and I learned very quickly not to bring the uncle up in conversation again.
As we walked Hope chattered animatedly about her summer vacation.
And it was as easy as that.
Hope Carter had clearly decided we were going to be friends and I, being friendless, had gratefully accepted.
While we walked I had the distinct feeling we were being watched. "This is the fish-bowl effect," Hope mused, nudging me softly. "Happens to every newbie. Don't sweat it," she smirked. "By the end of the day one of my brothers will have caused havoc and everyone's focus will be on them."
I didn't doubt her.
I barely knew the Carter triplets, but they seemed like colorful characters.
"Teagan, meet Ash." Hope grinned like a madwoman at the stunningly attractive African-American girl who bumped shoulders with her. "Ash, this is Teagan, she moved into Thirteenth Street during the summer."
"Hey," we both greeted each other.
"So, Teagan, do you have a boyfriend?" Ash asked.
"I had," I told her. "Liam. We were together for three years. He's back home in Ireland – we called it off when we found out I was moving. It didn't make much sense to continue with it when the Atlantic Ocean separated us." Blah, blah, blah, my words felt like something I'd rehearsed off a cereal box – because they weren'tmywords. They were Liam's…he was the one who'd made the decision. I was the one who'd made a holy show of myself when he informed me of his decision...
"Wow," Ash said softly. She looked genuinely dumbfounded as she led us into the changing rooms. "I thought Hope had it bad."
"What do you mean?" I asked as I unzipped my gear bag and swapped my chucks for my sketchers.
Hope blushed, which I found odd, as she tied the lace on her tennis shoes. "My boyfriend Jordan," she said in a low tone as if it was some hushed up secret. "We've been together since…well, since forever, but he moved away a few years ago." Her eyes lit up as she spoke. The girl was clearly smitten. "But he comes back here for me. He always has. And we've…well we've made it work."
Ash rolled her eyes and tossed a can of deodorant towards Hope. "What shehasn’ttold you, Teagan," Ash chuckled in a teasing voice. "Is that Jordan is refusing towork it."
"Work it?" I shook my head and stared at the two girls in front of me. "Help me out here."
Hope's face was beet-root red and Ash was unabashedly snickering.
"I hate you," Hope hissed.
"And I love you," Ash shot back before blowing a kiss. Turning to face me, Ash's brown eyes twinkled with mischief. "It means…"
"It means I'm a virgin," Hope said dryly as she slipped into her shorts and pulled her hair back in a ponytail.
"Not by choice," coughed Ash.
Hope rolled her eyes. "And Slutty Betty here thinks it's freaking hilarious."
"It's not hilarious," Ash shot back. "It's a crying shame. Have you looked at your boyfriend, likeever?"