Page 13 of Treacherous

We made an agreement. Birthday or not…

You have to do this.

K x

Crumpling the sheet of paper that contained the pleatheyknew I would never ignore, I shoved it into my jeans pocket and inhaled a deep calming breath, wishing like hell I could punch a hole through something.

I watched a few of my fellow classmates as they chatted happily about school and prom and all that upcoming shit, but none of it moved me.

Instead of feeling excited I just felt hollow inside. I guess that was because deep down inside I truly wasn’t sure if I would survive until graduation…

A pile of books landed on my desk, stirring me from my reverie, followed by the sound of a chair scraping noisily against the lab tiles and then a contented sigh.

"You seem happy considering we're back in this shithole for another year," I stated dryly as I studied the satisfied expression on my friend's face.

Personally, I had no clue how Tommy could be so chipper on a Monday morning, but that was just me. I'd never been chipper a day in my life.

Then again Tommy was probably looking forward to finishing his final year of high-school and moving on to greener and brighter pastures. I didn’t have that kind of future ahead of me.

Aside from Low, Tommy Moyet was about as close as I had to a brother. He was well-built now, but when I first moved to The Hill he'd been an over-grown skeleton getting picked on left right and center by the assholes who roamed the school hallways. When I took up for Tommy in gym class during sophomore year – when Jason Graham and Layton Brooks were tormenting him – Tommy had pledged his allegiance to me. He was about as loyal as they came.

"You will be too," Tommy shot back, grinning like an idiot. "When you see the new transplant." He let out a whistle and sagged in his chair before running a hand through his short blonde hair.

"I'm telling you now, dude, she's mine. Don’t even think about bagging her."

"Considering I haven’t the slightest clue of who you're talking about, you have nothing to worry about," I replied drolly.

Tommy was always like this; competitive as hell when it came to girls. He was under some sick illusion that I gave two shits about who he fucked.

I didn’t.

I had one focus and that was f…

"Everybody, this is Teagan Connolly."

No fucking way…

I froze the second Mr. Shaw said her name aloud and my eyes shot to the front of the classroom.

I was sitting in the back row, but I had a clear view of her and…Jesus, she looked amazing today in shorts and a plan white t.

I hadn’t realized she was a senior.

"Teagan moved here in the summer from the west coast of Ireland," Mr. Shaw informed the class and to give her credit, Teagan didn’t blush or get embarrassed at being introduced to the class. Instead she looked mildly amused by the whole ordeal.

Then her eyes met mine and the atmosphere in the room changed.

Teagan's entire frame stiffened, her cheeks turned red and her eyes narrowed on my face.

She gave me her best I-hate-your-guts looks and I leaned back in my seat, cocked my head to one side, and told her blow-me with my eyes.

Teagan looked wholly pissed off as she chewed on her juicy bottom lip and in a sick way I was thrilled I could get that kind of reaction from her – I was glad that I unsettled her.

Because she sure as hell unsettled me…

For some strange reason, every time that girl put her eyes on me I felt…alive – like someone attached sparkplugs to my fucking body and lit me up.

Jesus, I felt weird as hell when those hazel eyes were on me. It was probably the anger simmering between us that caused my whole body to go on high alert every time she was close by, but fuck anger never felt so good.