Noah let out a heavy sigh and I was suddenly and acutely aware of the heat of his body as the coarse hairs on his muscular thigh brushed against my smooth soft skin. "Sometimes it's…" he paused and pinched the bridge of his nose, shifting on the couch so that our bare legs were touching before saying, "it's just safer this way."
"Safer?" A slicing pain tore through me, the thought of something bad happening to Noah caused my chest to restrict, making it hard to breathe. I stared up at him, a dozen different emotions at war inside of me. "Is it because of those guys – are they going to come back for you?"
Blowing out a sharp breath, Noah's shoulders sagged and accidently rubbed against mine, setting off fireworks inside my body. "Not tonight," he finally replied.
"I want you to say never," I admitted, my voice torn.
All my earlier anger had evaporated and all I was left with was this raw, unpolished feeling of affection pooled with an unnerving amount of helplessness. "Tell me what happened to you tonight willneverhappen again." I blurted out, feeling weirdly emotional. I was so afraid for him. "Please, Noah."
Noah's hands shot out and clamped down on my hips, drawing me onto his lap so that I was straddling him. "I can handle this, Teagan," he whispered against my ear, wrapping his arms around my waist.
I felt the lightest of pressure when his forehead touched mine. My body thrilled to the touch. "I don’t want you to handle this," I told him. "I want it to stop." The heat emanating from his skin was causing my body to burn. I could feel him strain against me and my heart raced erratically. "Ineedit to stop..."
"I shouldn’t have told you," Noah grumbled as he leaned back. "I should've kept my goddamn mouth shut because now all you'll do is worry and want…"
"Want to know more?" I filled in, nodding my head. "Absolutely."
"I told you more in one car ride than I've told anyone else in my entire life, Teagan," he husked.
Noah's eyes burned with sincerity and I couldn’t stop myself from asking, "Why me, Noah, why tell me?"
"Because we match," he admitted with a sigh and my heart skipped a beat.
We match…
Noah's fingers tightened on my thighs. "We're joined, Thorn," he rasped. "Connected – we just are."
"We just are?" I repeated slowly, eyes locked on Noah's. Hell, I felt like I was drowning in the darkness of his eyes. I lowered my face to within an inch of his. "What does that mean, Noah?"
"Sometimes things are unexplainable because some things don't need an explanation," he told me in a gruff tone before covering my lips with his. "I can't give you a definition, Teagan," he whispered against my mouth. "I can't answer the why's or how's of what's happening between us because honestly, what you're making me feel is fucking alien to me."
Noah's tongue trailed over my lower lip, he pulled my lip into his mouth and sucked and I was lost to sensation as my tongue dueled erotically against his….
My all-time favorite Florence and the Machine song drifted through my ears, and I pulled my lips away. "Kiss with a fist," I stated, highly amused by Noah's choice in ringtone as I pulled back and grinned at him.
"What can I say?" Noah shrugged nonchalantly as he leaned forward, with me still on his lap, and grabbed his phone off the coffee table. He switched it off and tossed it back on the coffee table. "It's been stuck in my head since I heard this insanely hot Irish girl singing it at the crack of dawn right outside my house."
"Insanely hot?" I raised my brow in amusement. "You're full of it, Messina."
"Well here's more of it," he chuckled softly before pressing a kiss to my lips. "Someone once asked me if I had to choose one song, one three or four minute piece of music to explain my life, what would I pick?"
Noah leaned back against the couch, wrapping his arms around my waist and when he smirked my heart rate spiked. My body seemed to go on high alert. I was coiled tight with a fucked up mixture of lust and terror.
"Could I choose," he husked. "Or would the music choose me?"
"What did you say?" I asked, thoroughly enthralled.
Noah stared me, his brown eyes dark as night. "At the time I thought the question was pretty random," he chuckled. "But now, now I'm beginning to wonder if it's pretty genius – to have one piece of music to explain your life…"
"Would be extraordinary," I agreed with a sigh. "Four minutes to sum up the course of a lifetime…what did you choose?" I asked, suddenly and desperately needing to know.
Noah smiled but didn’t tell me.
Instead he rolled me onto my back and covered my body with his before thrusting his tongue inside my mouth while his fingers pulled at my nightie. "Something I once heard you sing," he whispered through kisses as he managed to rid me of my nightdress.
"What…when?" I moaned, writhing underneath him. I arched myself upwards, wrapping my legs around his waist. All that separated our bodies were his white boxers and my pink thong.
"Back in the summer," Noah rasped between kisses. "It was the most beautiful fucking sound I ever heard. It woke me up…"