"I want to be with you, Noah," I admitted against his lips, clutching him tightly. "But I'm scared," I admitted. "I'm terrified of losing myself in your world when I know it's wrong."
"I won't let that happen, Thorn," he whispered, pulling my lip into his mouth and sucking gently. His forehead touched mine, his breath fanned my face and I closed my eyes, inhaling deeply, reveling in his scent. "I'll get us both out of this…I promise."
The sincerity and emotion in his words struck something deep inside of me. "Okay," I whispered. "I admit it, I care and you make me vulnerable."
"About damn time," he husked before lowering his mouth to mine.
Someone cleared their throat loudly.
Oh shit.
My body froze and I was almost too afraid to open my eyes to see who was there.
Noah obviously didn’t hear them because he continued to kiss me, devouring me like an addict would his drug of choice.
"Ireallywouldn’t if I were you," a deep male voice said and finally Noah caught on and froze, eyes blinking open with shock, lips still pressed to mine. "That couch is like a fertility shrine," the same voice added in an amused tone. "If you knew the half of what's been conceived on that thing..."
"Jesus Christ, Dad," another male voice muttered.
"Yuck," I whispered, cringing.
Noah muttered an impressive array of curse words before reluctantly craning his neck. "Do you mind?" he asked in a flat tone.
I peeked over Noah's shoulder quickly and saw not one but two men standing in the doorway of the lounge. One of the men was of average height, muscular build, with a Christmas hat on his head and his arms laden down with presents.
The bald headed uncle,I realized.
"Not really," the bald uncle chuckled. "But the control freak upstairs will…hey – isn’t she the one who tossed paint on your car? You guys are together now?"
"Yes, we're working things out, Derek," Noah replied dryly. There was reluctant fondness in Noah's voice letting me know that he knew this Derek guy. "So if could you please fuck off and let us work things out it would be much appreciated."
My eyes locked on the other guy who was clocking in at well over six four with curly black hair and that guy was…
I heard Hope's sequel of delight seconds before she barreled into the lounge and threw herself upon the curly haired giant.
Jordan caught her easily and the hug they shared – the intimate way he shuddered when she pressed her face into his neck – was so intimate and beautiful.
"Merry Christmas, Keychain," Jordan whispered against her neck as he knotted his hand in her curls. "I told you I'd make it."
"No way," Colton's familiar voice chuckled, followed by Cam's booming voice as he cheered, "I knew he was bagging her."
"Goddammit, Noah," Hope screamed, obviously just noticing our naked presence. "I can't believe you brought a girl into my…Oh. My. God.Teagan? What are doing underneath Noah…andnaked."
"Nah," Colt chuckled. "I can see lace panties."
Let me die…
Let me die…
"Hi, Hope," I mumbled, twiddling the tips of my fingers that were wrapped around Noah's neck while I buried my face against his chest. "Please get me out of here," I begged Noah in a hushed tone as I clung to him in pure mortification.
Noah's eyes burned into mine and the affection I saw in them caused my skin to tingle with heat. "Hate to break up the family reunion," Noah said, eyes still locked on mine. "But could you guys take this into the kitchen so we can get up and out of your hair?"
"Yeah," a distinctively commanding voice ordered.