Page 42 of Keeping 13

“No,” Mam corrected, rubbing my back. “Because you’re on the cusp of a career you’ve worked your entire life to have, and that’s not worth throwing away for a punch-up, no matter how satisfying it might feel in the moment.”

“You know, Ma, Iknewsomething was off the very first day I met Shannon. I fucking knew something wasn’t right, like she had secrets, but I just…” I let my words trail off and shrugged. “I didn’t think they werethis.”

“How could you know, Johnny?”

“Andher,” I continued, glaring at nothing in particular. “I don’t trusther.”


“Shannon’s ma,” I spat out. “There’s something seriouslyoffabout her. Like how—howin the name of god do you let your kids live in a home like that?” I looked to my mother for the answers. “How, Ma? How does that work?”

“I don’t know, Johnny.”

“Shouldn’t she be in some sort of trouble?” I balled my hands into fists at the thought. “For not stepping in? Isn’t that neglect…or failure to step the fuck up?”

“Mind your language.”

“Really?” I arched my brow. “You’re going to lecture me tonight of all nights?Really?”

Mam sighed heavily. “What did Shannon say about it? About her mother?”

“Stuff,” I muttered, dropping my gaze to my lap.


“I’m not talking about what she says to me, Ma,” I replied. “It’s private. But I’ve got a bad feeling about that woman.” Dropping my hand to my thigh, I began to smooth the ache that was building up in my body. “Shannon is supposed to come home either tomorrow or Thursday, but that means she’ll go back there. To that house. With thatwoman.” I looked to my mother and asked, “How the fuck does that even happen?”

“I don’t know, love,” Mam replied, voice turning hard. “But your father told me how that woman spoke to you tonight. She had no bleeding right!”

“Jesus,” I muttered, mentally cursing my father for telling her. “It doesn’t even matter.”

“Itdoesmatter,” she corrected hotly. “She has no right to look down her nose atmyson.”

“She wasn’t looking down her nose,” I muttered. “She was pissed that I was there.” Shrugging, I added, “The woman doesn’t like me. She never has.” Exhaling heavily, I shifted around, trying to get somewhat comfortable. “Not since I hit Shannon with that bleeding ball.” I cringed at the memory, still feeling guilty. “She doesn’t want me near her daughter.”

“Well, she needs to step the fuck back frommyson,” Mam growled, visibly trembling with anger. “I won’t have it, Johnny. Do you hear me? I won’thave it! She’s a very lucky lady that it was your father with you tonight and not me!”

“Step the fuck back?” My mouth fell open. “You planning on throwing down, Ma?”

“She tried to have you suspended in January,” Mam growled, cheeks turning pink. “She put her hands onmyminor child, on school grounds—something Mr. Twomey conveniently forgot to disclose when I spoke to him about it.” She narrowed her eyes. “No one messes with my kid.”

I frowned. “When did you talk to Twomey about this?”

Mam bristled. “I phoned him up after Shannon told me what happened—before I went back to London.”

I gaped at her. “Why?”

“Because I’m your mother and I had a right to be notified of any issues involving my child at school,” she shot back snippily. “I know that woman has been making trouble for you. I also know they threatened you with impending suspension because she pushed for it—that they made you out to be abully!” Mam balled her small hands into fists. “I might not like the rugby, but how dare anyone put all you’ve worked for in jeopardy because of an accident. It’s completely unacceptable. The school had no right to do that to you—and no grounds. I made that perfectly clear to your principal.” Smirking, she added, “Before I threatened to pull both you and our family’s generous funding donations from Tommen.”

“Ah Jaysus, Ma.” Running my hand through my hair in exasperation, I looked up at the ceiling and groaned. “Just so you know, she barely touched me.”

“Sheput her hands on you,” Mam repeated angrily. “Shepushedyou. Shethreatenedyou. She lashed out at you in anger. That might fly in her household, Jonathan, but it sure as hell doesn’t in mine.”

I arched a brow. “Says the woman always clipping me around the ear.”

“Those are clips of love,” Mam corrected. “And you’re missing the point.”

“Fine.” I shrugged in defeat. “What’s the point?”