Page 343 of Keeping 13

Christ, she hadtits.

And her ass.

She was still pint-sized, slimmer than the other girls, but holy shit, was she filling out that bikini like a dream.

“That’s not right,” I choked out, tearing my gaze off Shannon to gape at Gibsie. “How does that happen in a couple of months?”

“Puberty? A growth spurt? Vitamins? Three meals a day?” Gibsie offered with a shrug. “She wasn’t stressed out at home or anxious puking every second minute? She’s being taken care of? Shit, I don’t know, lad. I don’t even care. But she’s glorious to look at, so don’t look a gift horse in the mouth and just appreciate it.”

“You’ve beenlookingat her?” I demanded, furious. “While I’ve been gone?”

“Ah, just the normal amount,” he coaxed, as if thenormal amountwould placate me. “Look, look, they’re wrestling with each other. Ah, lad. Fucking winning!”

Oh my Jesus, I had to bite back a groan at the sight of Shannon rolling around on the sand.

“Doesn’t she look like sunshine?” Gibsie croaked out, slapping my chest. “Look at that fucking girl, lad!”

I knew Gibsie was talking about Claire in her little yellow bikini, but I had eyes for no one but Shannon. It had been a long summer, and I had no idea how to deal with all this new and exciting information—and visuals—frying my brain. I’d always been attracted to Shannon. She had always been beautiful to me, and incredibly sexy, but now? Those feelings had intensified to the point I could hardly think straight. I wanted to drop to my knees and worship whatever version of puberty that had paid a visit to my girlfriend. It was like waking up on Christmas morning and preparing to find the bicycle you’d asked Santa for under the tree, only to tear off the wrapping paper and find a top-of-the-range BMX instead.

Fucking winning.…

One look at her, and I was glad I had worked my body to the breaking point this summer, spending countless hours in training every day, and coming home a stone heavier in muscle and an inch taller in height.

“Cap!” Hughie’s voice filled my ears then and I turned to see him, Feely, Katie, and Lizzie standing around a disposable barbecue further up the beach. “Jesus Christ, it’s him.”

“He’s back!”

“Hey, Johnny!”

I raised my hand and waved back to them, but kept my eyes on Shannon who was staring up at us from her perch on the sand beneath Claire.

“Shannonlike the river,” I called out to her, unable to stop the smile that was spreading across my face as I climbed down the rocks to get to her. “Are you gonna come hug me or what?”

“Oh my god!” she literally squealed as she untangled herself from Claire and sprang to her feet. “You’re back!”

Tits.That was all I could see as Shannon broke into a run.

“You’re home!” she cried, barreling toward me. “Oh my god, Johnny—” Her words broke off as she threw herself into my arms, all smooth skin and soft curves. Catching her easily, I hoisted her up, reveling in the feel of her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. “You’re back,” she sobbed, smearing my entire face with lip gloss as she peppered me with welcome-home kisses. “You came home to me.”

“You knew I was coming home, Shan,” I replied gruffly, feeling like my heart was bursting clean open. The loneliness I had been struggling to keep at bay while I was in camp hit me full force in the chest.

“But you’re early?”

“I’m late,” I told her, stroking my nose against hers. “I should have been here all summer.” Unable to stop myself, I leaned in and kissed her, getting my first proper taste of her in what felt like forever. She kissed me back just as frantically. It was all tongue and clashing teeth, and I swear to god I’d never had a better kiss. “Jesus, I missed you so much,” I told her, breathing hard against her lips. “I fucking love you.” And I did. I loved her more than was good for me. I couldn’t contain my emotions when it came to this girl.

“I missed you more,” she whispered against my lips. “And I love you more.”


Very fucking doubtful.

“Okay, so I know you probably want to unpack when you get home, but I want my presents,” Gibsie announced, shoving past me with my suitcases in hand. “You can continue mouth-fucking little Shannon,” he added in a cheerful tone, sinking down on the sand and unzipping my case. “I don’t mind. But I’m just giving you a heads-up that I’m about to root through everything you own.”

“Hey, don’t take them all,” Hughie shouted, running up the beach toward us. “That’s my Toblerone, you little bitch.”

“Possession is nine-tenths of the law,” Gibsie said and laughed, running off with an armful of chocolate in his arms. “Claire, grab the bag and run, babe. It’s full of sweets.”

“Welcome home, Johnny,” Claire squealed, chasing after Gibsie with my carry-on bag in her arms. “Thanks for the sweets.”