Page 342 of Keeping 13

“You took a Fantastic fucking Four backpack to a tattoo parlor.” I shook my head and gaped at him. “What did you expect him to do, lad?”

“I expected him to ink me,” he shot back defensively. “It’s not like it’s my first tattoo—andI look eighteen.”

“True,” I agreed. “But you also lookdisturbedwhen you walk around with that fucking thing strapped to your back.”

“It’s mytravel bag.”

“When you wereseven.”

“Well, it’s his loss,” he replied, smirking to himself. “I got my calf done when I came home.”

“Good for you.” I chuckled, shaking my head. “So, have you been keeping up with your training?”

He grinned. “I have indeed.”


“And I’m the shit.” Gibsie chuckled.

“I know,” I said, thoroughly amused. “Keep it up and you’ll be with me soon.”

“Where there’s a will, there’s a relative,” he shot back, grinning wolfishly.

“So, where are we going now?”

“The beach,” Gibsie explained, turning onto the coast road. “The tide is in, the sun is out, the water is warm, the beer is cold, and the best buddy is home. Today is a good day.” He gripped the steering wheel a little tighter before muttering, “Just so long as no one tries to drown me again.”

“I need to see Shannon,” I told him, grimacing at the last part. “I love you, lad, I’m thrilled to be back with you, but I really need to see my girlfriend.”

“And see her you will.” He chuckled. “She’s at the beach with all the buddies.”

“Yeah?” A huge smile spread across my face. “How does she look? Does she seem happy? Is she well?”

“She’s definitely something,” he replied with a smirk.

I frowned. “What does that mean?”

“You’ll see.” Gibsie chuckled.

* * *

“Holy shite.”

“I know,” he agreed with a nod.

“What the fuck?”

“Iknow.” He laughed.

Shaking my head, I tilted it to one side, watching as Shannon ran down the beach, screamingmercyat Claire who was hunting her down with a handful of seaweed. She was laughing and smiling and all golden-tanned and that beautiful brown hair was loose and blowing in the light breeze. But none of those things were what had my mouth hanging open. No, it was the tiny scrap of a red bikini she was wearing, filled out by a body that I didn’t remember her having. I could have caught flies I looked so fucking dumbstruck at the sight of her.

Christ, something had happened to my girlfriend in the time we’d spent apart this summer. When I left for camp, I’d left Shannon behind in a loose T-shirt and even looser shorts. She was all pale skin and protruding bones. Standing here now, I felt like I had stepped out of Gibsie’s car and into an alternative fucking universe.



And tits.