Page 266 of Keeping 13



Letting go of my mother’s leg, I lunged for the staircase with every inch of my body locked tight in fearful anticipation.

“Good girl, Shannon, I’m not going to hurt you,” Dad slurred. “Go on up to bed now and close your eyes. Everything will be better in the morning.”

Choosing to escape rather than stick around and wait for him to change his mind, I stumbled up the staircase as fast as my legs could carry me.

“What’s going on?” Tadhg demanded, peeking out from his bedroom. “Shan—”

“Lock your doors,” I choked out. “He’s back.”

Tadhg’s eyes widened in fear. “Wh-what?”

“Lock your fucking door, Tadhg!” I screamed. “This isn’t a joke.”

He ran back into his room and bolted the door.

Breathing hard, I ran into my own bedroom and slammed the door shut. Flicking the lock, I looked around wildly as panic clawed at my gut. With my survival instincts kicking in, I lunged for my dresser and pushed with all my might until it was blocking the door. Still frantic, I dragged my bedside locker over, too.

His voice was there.

I could hear it.

I could hearher.

They weren’t screaming or shouting.

They weretalking.

Why were theytalking?

Flailing around, I tried to catch my breath, but it wasn’t coming easy to me. Diving for my bed, I slipped under the covers and roughly pulled the duvet over my head. Something clattered on the floor then and I stiffened.

My phone.

Trembling, I shoved the duvet off and swiped it off the floor. I didn’t even think about what I was doing as I dialed. It was like I was moving on instinct. Pressing Call, I put the phone to my ear and held my breath.

“Gibs,” Johnny’s sleepy voice came down the line, bringing with it a tsunami of relief. “If this isn’t an emergency, I’m going to wring your bleeding neck.”

“H-hi, Johnny.”

“Shannon?” His voice was softer now. “Are you okay?”

I shook my head and jerked to my feet, unable to sit still. “No.”

“What’s wrong?” Concern filled his voice. “What’s happening?”

I couldn’t speak.

I couldn’t say it out loud.

“Talk to me, Shan,” he coaxed. “Hmm?”

“He’s here,” I choked out. “He’s downstairs and I’m scared.”

“What do you mean?”