Page 202 of Keeping 13

Excited, I shoved open the driver’s door and scrambled out and watched Johnny climb out after me. My heart was pounding in my chest as he caught ahold of my hand and pulled me along after him to unlock the back door.

“You sure about this?” he asked, sounding excited.

Nodding, I reached up and dragged his face down to mine.

“Aw, fuck—” His hands dropped to my ass and he hoisted me up. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I held on to his shoulders and kissed him back as we stumbled into the utility, all breathless and laughing.


We both froze and stared at each other.

“Mmmm, that’s it.”

Our eyes widened in unison.

“You know how I like it…”

“That little bollox got back here before us,” Johnny hissed as he stalked toward the kitchen door with me still wrapped around him like ivy. “Gibsie,” he snarled, swinging the door open. “I swear to Christ if you brought some girl back here— Oh fucking god!” he roared, spinning around, only to give me a perfect view of his parents. “What are youdoing?” he choked out, horrified. “Ya freaks!”

Mrs. Kavanagh was sitting on the island countertop and Mr. Kavanagh was standing between her legs.


“Oh, Johnny, love, you’re home early,” his mother replied.

“Ma!” Johnny hissed as he set me on my feet. “What are you… Oh Jesus, what the fuck are you letting him do to you?” Clutching his stomach, he gawked. “I’m going to be sick.”

“Hello, Shannon, love.”

“Uh, hi,” I choked out, blushing furiously.

“Cover your ass, Da,” Johnny roared. “My girlfriend’s in the room!”

“Sorry, Shannon.”

“That’s okay.”

“No, it’s not,” Johnny corrected. “Nothing about any of this is okay.” Mr. Kavanagh moved to pick up his clothes off the floor and Johnny let out a demented scream. “Don’t fucking pull out,” he choked out. “I don’t want to see it.” Johnny covered my eyes with his hand and pulled me in to his chest. “Don’t look, Shan. Honestly, baby, keep your eyes closed. I’m scarred for life.”

“Relax, Johnny,” Mr. Kavanagh replied in an amused tone of voice.

“Relax?” Johnny spluttered, dropping his hand from my eyes. “Are you serious right now? I eat my fuckingdinneron that counter—not anymore, apparently. No, I’m never eating in this bleeding kitchen again.” Shaking his head, he pushed his hands through his hair, looking truly appalled. “And you had the audacity to lecture me over a bra. You two are a disgrace.” Stalking toward his parents, he swiped their clothes off the floor and thrust them at them. “You’re an embarrassment, and I am ashamed of the both of you!”

“You are supposed to be at the gym,” Mr. Kavanagh replied calmly, popping his T-shirt over his wife’s head. “You always go to the gym on Saturday.” He smirked at his son and that only seemed to push him off the ledge.

“And you’re supposed to be inKillarney,” Johnny roared back.

“We’re going shortly,” his father replied. “We got a little distracted.”

“Distracted,” Johnny sneered. Narrowing his eyes, he pointed a finger at his parents. “Is this the kind of thing you get up to when I’m not around? Riding my mother in the kitchen? Huh? Where else have you been? Jesus Christ, tell me you haven’t touched my room!”

“Johnny, love,” Mrs. Kavanagh interjected. “Calm down—”

“No, I won’t fucking calm down, Ma. I’mtraumatized!” Shuddering, he ran a hand through his hair again and glowered at his parents. “You let him do that to you… Jesus, you both just ruined my life!”

“Hey, it’s okay,” I whispered, slipping my hand into his. “It’s, uh, kind of normal.”

“Normal?” Johnny spluttered, eyeballing me with unrestrained outrage. “Shan, there is nothing normal about those two…two…geriatrics!”