I laughed into his face. I felt bad, but I honestly couldn’t help it.
“This isfunnyfor you?” Johnny accused hotly. “You’re supposed to be on my side here, baby!”
“I am,” I coaxed, holding his hand with both of mine. “I’m always on your side.”
“Sex is a beautiful thing, love—”
“Don’t youdarestart that shite with me or I’m leaving,” Johnny warned, swinging his glare on his mother. “I’m serious. I’ll move out.”
“And where will you go?”
“The fucking dog shed would be better than staying here with the two of you,” he snarled.
“Don’t be so dramatic, Johnny.” Mr. Kavanagh laughed. “You’re overreacting.”
“The garage—I’ll convert it,” Johnny barked, still going strong. “I’ll move my girlfriend in with me and then I’ll fuck her for good measure. Loudly. Repeatedly. In fact, we’ll both quit school so we can fuck all the damn day long. Because,apparently,that’s the norm around here!” Furious, he waved a hand in front of himself. “Visualize that, you inconsiderate freaks. Would you like that? And I won’t wear a condom. I’ll get her pregnant. How about some grandchildren? Sound good? Shannon and I will become another statistic, and you’ll have no one to blame but yourselves for traumatizing me!”
“Oh, you’re so grounded,” Mrs. Kavanagh told him, still smiling, still half-naked.
“Did you not hear me?” Johnny demanded. “I’m about to go out to the garage and impregnate Shannon. Think about that.”
“You’re too smart to be stupid, Jonathan,” his father shot back.
“Yeah? Well, we’ll see about that.” Grabbing my hand, Johnny dragged me down the hallway. “Come on, Shan. Let’s go make some bleeding babies.”
“The garage is outside, son,” Mr. Kavanagh said, laughing.
“Don’t talk to me,” Johnny choked out, upping his pace.
“Keep your bedroom door open, Jonathan,” Mrs. Kavanagh called after us.
“Fuck off, the pair of ye,” he roared, pulling me up the staircase. “And put some clothes on. My friends are on the way over.”
“Uh, I don’t want to make any babies today, Johnny,” I croaked out, hurrying up the steps after him.
“Me either, Shan,” he grumbled, leading me down the landing to his bedroom. “And I couldn’t if I wanted to because it’sgone.”
Biting down on my lip to stop myself from laughing, I hurried after him. Stalking into his bedroom like a man on a mission, Johnny shuddered and muttered under his breath. “Fuckers,” he continued to growl as he paced the floor. Reaching behind his head, he yanked his hoodie over his head and tossed it on the floor. Rolling his shoulders to loosen them out, he continued to pace, twisting his neck from side to side as he went. He looked poured into his blue T-shirt, his broad chest and shoulders filling out the fabric better than any grown man could. “I’m ruined.”
Deciding on leaving him to his ranting, I gingerly stepped around him and walked over to his television, switching it on. Grabbing both controllers off the console, I sank down on one of the beanbags and set up the game.
“I’m not playing,” Johnny declared, tone still laced with outrage. “My pride can’t take another hit afterthat.”
“Come on,” I replied, stifling a giggle. “It’ll distract you.”
“Doubtful.” Grumbling to himself, he dropped onto the beanbag beside me and pressed a kiss to my cheek. “Very fucking doubtful.”
“Lad—” The bedroom door flew inward and Gibsie came barreling into the room, breathless and grinning like a demented puppy dog. “I think your dad was just giving it to your mam in the kitchen.” Eyes wide with excitement, he added, “They were getting dressed when we walked inside.”
“Oh, Jesus.” Groaning, Johnny tossed the controller away and twisted around in what looked like physical pain. Covering his face with his hands, he hissed, “Fuck my life.”
“Oh my god! Your dad is so hot, Johnny,” Claire gushed, charging into the room after Gibsie. She was freshly changed in what looked like boy’s clothes, but at least the mud was gone and her hair was back to its blond glory. “Did you see him, Shan? What a babe!”
“Let me die, baby,” Johnny choked out, dropping his head in my lap. “Seriously, just kill me now.”
“Shh.” I stifled another laugh as I trailed my fingers through his hair. “You’ll be better before you’re married twice.”
“I’m only doing that once,” he huffed, wrapping his arms around my waist. “So I’ll never be better.”