Page 56 of The Idiot

His glazed eyes open to mine as his nostrils flare around his harsh breathing. Something raw and hungry eclipses his gaze and he makes another thrust, halfway up the dick. Then another. This time, he grunts, impaling himself all the way to the base—all the way to my groin, his face buried in it. Fucking hell.

I can feel his hot breath against my skin. My precum has to be leaking through my shorts, kissing the underside of his jaw.Whimpering, his hand slips from the wall and clutches onto my calf. I’m going to come. I can’t take it anymore.

Drawing him off in one quick movement, I gasp right along with him. Falling back against the wall, I pinch the head of my cock through my shorts. Jesse sinks back into the opposite wall, panting, his head tilted back, and his eyes closed, doing the same.

What are we doing? What does this mean?

He lets out a cough, which turns into a chuckle. “That was, uh… intense.”

“Yeah,” I agree, rubbing my hand down my face for something to do.


“For what?”

Shrugging, he opens his eyes, a mischievous smirk on his face. “Well, now I won’t look like an ass if I try it out on a guy some time.”

Aguy. Notme. Just…someguy.

I have no right to be jealous, no right to be angry, but with each second that passes, I feel like a pressure cooker. “A little cocky for a guy who goes to the titty bar on the regular, don’t you think?” I sulk, stepping out of the shower.

I listen to him stand as he scoffs. “I know I’m not a pro, but I mean, at least, now I have an idea of what to do.”

“So, you’re bi now or what?” I grump, washing my hands in the sink, refusing to look at him in the mirror.

“I don’t know. I know I’ve never considered it before, but clearly, I’ve been missing something. Look at Pete.”

“What about Pete?”

“Well, he’s older than me and he just found out that he’s bi. I know I’m thirty and never thought about it before, but stranger things have happened.”

I grunt. It’s all I can manage. I’ve just armed the world’s horniest man with oral knowledge. Someone kill me. Kill me now.

“What’s the matter?” he asks.


I move past him, which is difficult in the confined space. My cabin doesn’t feel like a sanctuary, however, seeing the rumpled sheets on both sides of my bed.

“Are you mad or something?” his voice follows me, right on my ass.

I need to get away from him. Except, the thought of getting away from him means he’ll be out there on the cruise ship, having free range to hundreds of horny gay men. And now, he knows how to suck them off. Someone punch some sense into me.

“Why would I be mad?” I sputter, grabbing a clean shirt out of the compartment over the bed.

“You won’t look at me.”

Sighing, I level my gaze at him when the shirt slides over my head. “There. I’m looking at you. Are we good now?”

Frowning, he studies me in all my bitchy glory. Why couldn’t he just freak out after last night and leave? Waking up to him having a dick epiphany was so much worse.

“Are you mad that I…”

“That you what?”

“That I blew your dildo?”

“Why would I be mad?” I snort like he’s being the ridiculous one.