“Trust him,” Nova said, as if reading my thoughts. “If there's one thing the club knows, it's how to come out on top.”
The girls pulled me in for a gentle hug, and when we broke apart, I swiped the tears away with the back of my hand.
I loved my Daddy, but there, with Ghost, Payton, and the club, was where I belonged.
They were my family.
Chapter 11
Leaving Rae alone with the girls was hard, but it had to be done if I wanted to ensure she would never be hurt again.
Determined, I walked into the armory, my fingers skimming over the hardware as I made my way to the set of Glocks I’d had Haze order. I picked them up, testing their weight before securing them into the holsters beneath my arms.
“Grab that shotgun too,” Kane advised.
It seemed excessive, but better to have them and not need them than the reverse.
“That’s a lot of firepower, Ghost.” Banner's voice cut through the silence.
“Yeah,” I grunted, stuffing an extra magazine into my cut. “And that’s a lot of knives.” I nodded to the blades in front of him that he might as well be salivating over.
Banner chuckled. My brother had a special talent for wet work, he was a king at torturing our enemies. I once watched him skin a man alive without flinching. He was known far and wide as The Butcher for a reason.
“This make you feel better?” He grinned, picking up a handgun and tucking it into the waistband of his jeans.
“It does in fact,” I said, looking beyond Banner to where Rae's dad stood. He’d been quietly watching as we armed ourselves. I’d given him shit, but the man wasn’t a slouch. Dragon had done some digging and discovered Raymond Thompson was a war hero before his wife died and he’d moved his daughter off grid.
“Grab what you want, old man.” Sharp blue eyes that matched my girl’s jumped to mine before scanning the assortment of firepower in front of him. He gave a curt nod as he stepped forward, grabbed a pistol, slid it into an ankle holster, then stepped away.
“Let's roll out,” Banner yelled, filing out.
We rode through the city to the address Dragon had found and sure enough it led us straight to the motherfuckers who’d hurt my girl.
“Park down here,” I murmured into the comm. As one, we pulled into an alley a few blocks from our target’s house.
“We do this clean. In and out. No fuckups.” Banner was all business.
It was almost pitch black apart from a few shitty streetlights. Quietly, we moved through the shadows, the night giving us the perfect cover as we rounded the house.
I watched Banner pull out his twin blades, a smile lighting up his face as the moonlight reflected off their edges.
“No cameras, no alarms,” Dragon whispered. “This should be easy.”
Haze moved in, picked the lock, then raised his fingers to the count of three.
One. Two. Three.
With a twist of his wrist, he opened the door, and we followed him in. The place was a fucking wreck, a crash pad if I’d ever seen one.
A floorboard creaked upstairs, and we all looked up.
I signaled with a hand, and Haze and Kane nodded. It’d already been decided that they would take the lead. In total silence they climbed the steps, the rest of us right on their six.
I watched as Haze nodded and Kane slipped into the shadows. I’d forgotten how insane it was to watch the two work in tandem, completely in sync with one another.
“Bedroom,” I mouthed, my gaze locking onto a sliver of light beneath the door.