“Okay.” I smiled watery as my heart skipped a beat.
* * *
A week went by, and I’d done nothing but rest like the doctor had instructed, but I was getting restless. Even with my body a patchwork of bruises, I was on the mend, and feeling better every day.
“Rae, you need anything?” I glanced up at Daddy leaning into the doorframe and smiled.
He’d been more than vocal about staying with us. Me wearing nothing but Ghost’s oversized MC tee made it worse.
“Thanks, but I'm good,” I replied, noticing the lines on his face seemed deeper than I remembered.
We both turned when Ghost came storming in, slamming the front door shut behind him. His keys were tossed onto the counter as he prowled into the living room, his gaze locked on mine. “Room feels crowded,” he said, eyes never leaving mine as he dropped into a crouch beside the couch, his hand finding mine.
“Your concern is noted, Ghost.” Daddy's words were ice.
“Concern? Shit, old man, I'm past concern.” Ghost's thumb circled my palm. “I’m all about action.”
“Action that puts my daughter in a hospital bed. You call that protecting her? Fuckin’ biker trash.”
“Enough!” I yelled. “No more throwing blame around. Shit happened, I'm alive, that's it. Ghost, stop antagonizing Daddy, and Daddy quit blaming Ghost. Good Lord,” I growled. “You’re both acting like children.”
Daddy sighed and stepped back, surrendering ground for now. “I’ll be in the kitchen, baby girl.”
“Sure,” I replied, watching him leave, thankful the tension was dissipating.
“Hey,” Ghost murmured, dipping his head so our foreheads touched. “I’m sorry.”
A smile tugged at my lips, pain and love and everything else mashing into that one touch before his lips brushed mine. “I got something I need to do in a little bit.” He looked away, his tell that he was keeping something from me.
“Where are you going?”
“Club business,” he answered quickly. I hated when he said that. I was starting to think it was a bullshit way of avoiding the truth. I sighed, knowing it was pointless to ask for more. He wouldn’t budge so I wasn’t going to push. “You won’t be alone, yeah?”
Before I could ask who was on babysitting duty, the door slammed open and in strolled Nova and Sophia, trailed closely by the Devils Creed enforcer.
“Rae, honey, we brought reinforcements,” Nova called out, her tone all sass and no apology as she breezed into the room.
“Him?” I asked, nodding to Haze as he sat down what looked to be a sack full of groceries.
“No.” Sophia giggled. “We brought ice cream.”
“Thank God! I could kiss y'all!” I said, before squealing when Ghost tipped me backwards onto the couch, his face hovering over mine.
“I’m the only one who gets your kisses, baby.”
Shaking her head, Nova laughed. “We're only here to fatten you up and gossip. Save the smooching for your man.”
Ghost planted a kiss on my lips then wrenched himself off the couch. “Alright, I'm gonna head out, baby.” He tucked a stray hair behind my ear. “Call if you need me. I mean it, Rae. If you need me, you pick up the damn phone.”
I tipped my face up and grinned. “I will. I promise.” Ghost dipped his head again, planting one more kiss on my lips before heading out the door with Haze on his heels.
“So, who’s fixing the ice cream?” I laughed, trying to ignore the gnawing feeling growing in my gut.
The girls jumped into action and before long we settled into an easy rhythm of ice cream and cards. It was almost enough to make me forget what was happening.
“Do either of you know where they’re going?”
“No.” Sophia shook her head. “Whatever they’re doing, Banner hasn’t shared.”