Page 1 of Ghost



There was a dangerous energy in the air, and I kept wondering if it was because of the message my brother had managed to get through.

It was only two words, but they made their point.Stay. Alert.

The warden was confident I’d be safe if I remained in solitary, but I wasn’t convinced. Truthfully, he shouldn’t have been either.

The pockets of those who operated in the underbelly of the city were deep. If they wanted to get to me, there wasn’t anything that could stop them. Not even the concrete walls that surrounded the joint.

Again, something the warden should’ve known, seeing as every time he turned a blind eye his pockets were padded thicker by the biggest players in the city.

I blew out a breath and let my mind wander to the little girl waiting for me at home—Payton.

I didn’t know the first thing about kids. Jenny clearly didn’t either, seeing as she pulled a runner after leaving my baby girl on my brother’s doorstep.

Fucking bitch.

Just as I started to think about all the reasons why I shouldn’t be someone’s Pop, I caught the sound of boots stomping in my direction. I spun around on my ass and sat up straight, tilting my head to listen closer.

Was that someone whistling?

I closed my eyes and focused on the sound. It sure as hell was, I thought to myself, a second before two guards and a smug-looking asshole in a suit appeared on the other side of my cell.

My eyes fell to the nightsticks clutched tightly in the guards’ hands then over to the suit, who simply stood there with a smirk on his face.

“So, this is how it’s gonna go down, huh?” I asked calmly as I slipped off my bunk, positioning my back against the wall.

“It’s always the filthy fucking bikers that cause me the most problems,” the suit snapped, nodding for my cell to be unlocked.

“Not a fan of bikers, huh?” I laughed, calculating the odds of making it out of there alive.

“Fuck you! When I’m done with your club—” He snapped his mouth shut. Guess he let too much information slip.

I should have advised him not to take up poker, ‘cause his face wasn’t hiding shit, but seeing as he hadn’t come to chitchat...

My cell door was wrenched open, and my eyes flashed to the guard on the suit’s right.

I recognized him as the asshole from cellblock B. He must have realized as much seeing as he was doing his best not to make eye contact.


“You’re a dead man, Marshall.” The guard yanked his head up, his eyes huge.

It looked like I had his attention, so I grinned.


He didn’t have to worry; I’d soon be adding his name to the top of my list.

“The only dead man here is you, Bishop. Your fucking brother ruined everything! I needed that warehouse and—fuck!” I masked my surprise when the suit stepped from the shadows and further into my cell, revealing his identity.

“Well, look who it is.” I grinned.

I didn’t know his name, but Banner had shown me his photo; he was the cop from my brother’s phone.

It had been a grainy image but there was no hiding that gnarly fucking scar slashed across his face that was oddly similar to the one Haze wore. He must have pissed someone off, and good.