Page 2 of Ghost

Shock flashed behind his eyes when he realized I knew who he was.

That’s right, asshole.

You’ve put yourself on my radar.

“No matter. You’re leaving here in a body bag.” When his head tipped to me, a silent order for the guards to get to work, I lifted my fists and squared my feet.

One by one his lackeys filed into my cell.

A slow smile spread across my face. “Boys…”

If they thought I’d make things easy, they were sadly fucking mistaken.

I was the Sergeant at Arms of the Devils Creed MC.

I wasn’t going down without a fight.



I pulled my coat tighter around the precious cargo strapped to my chest as an icy wind blew through the playground. The air was frigid and sent a hard shiver down my spine.

Not much longer and winter would be right on top of us. Our afternoons in the park would be a distant memory until spring came back around.

That wasn’t something I was looking forward to.

“Watch me, Rae!” I glanced over my shoulder at Sammy, one of the children I nannied for, and smiled.

He was becoming braver with each passing day, which he was proving by dangling upside down from the monkey bars. When I was first hired, he was shy, but with lots of praise and encouragement he’d really come out of his shell.

“Your boss is giving you a dirty look,” Maria, another nanny who frequented the park, whispered from beside me.

I peeked over my shoulder at Mrs. Bradshaw, and sure enough she had a sour look plastered on her face.

“Yeah, I’m not sure what that’s about,” I admitted, turning back to Sammy as baby Aurora snuggled deeper into the crook of my neck.

Becoming a nanny wasn’t something I’d ever pictured myself doing. I’d come to the city at the peak of spring with dreams of making it big. I’d been convinced I would waltz right in, belt out the lyrics of Wicked’s “For Good” and they’d hire me on the spot. I’d been so very, very wrong.

The city was hard, and its people were worse. New York was nothing like the home I’d left in the hills of Tennessee.

In the end, though, it had all worked out. I’d met Cassie and she’d offered me the spare room at her place and hooked me up with a job.

Plus, I adored the kids I worked with.

Their parents, however, were a different story. Take Mrs. B. for instance, she was a raging bitch the majority of the time and her husband was barely toeing the sexual harassment line. Just thinking about the creepy bastard made me cringe.

“Oh, I know exactly what her problem is.” I looked over at Maria for her to continue.

“Rae, you’re gorgeous, her kids like you more than her, and her husband can’t keep his eyes off your ass,” she said with an air of warning in her tone.

My nose scrunched. “What! That’s not it. Look at me.”

Maria didn’t have a clue what she was talking about. I wasn’t anything to write home about. My hair was a wild mess of blonde curls, I was too tall, and my boobs were nonexistent.

Maria’s eyes flashed with shock, like I’d said something absurd. “Girl, do you ever look in a mirror?”

I rolled my eyes. Of course I did.